Lessons from my 4 year old
I enjoy doing school run because that is when I get to spend time with the kids with their full attention on me… they are not not answering to other things calling for their attention, just me!
This particular day, I had got donut for my little daughter(Lady A) but did not buy for the older one (baby J) so she had a taste of her little sister’s donut and immediately said ‘mummy, why didn’t you buy donut for me?’ I answered explaining to her that I had kept something for her in her school bag but since she wasn’t expectant of anything, she did not know she had a surprise snack while she was in school.
Immediately she was bringing out all the stuff in her bag, I could see the excitement in her eyes, ‘There is nothing here’ (baby J said bringing out almost all the things in her bag, her ballet uniform, her leggings and others)
I said’ keep searching’
This time with a lot of impatience, she went ‘ Mummmmy! I don’t have anything in my bag’
I was patient knowing that I kept something in her bag so insisted she kept checking, at this point she had dropped the bag, so she picked it up reluctantly, saying ‘mummy I know there is not- hing—-oh I have seen it?” This time with a huge smile and I quickly tried to have my mummy moment and told her“there lies your treasure, you have to be patient…’ before I could finish, she went ‘this is no treasure, it is just juice and cake’
Oh well, my point is this, God goes before us to prepare a way, he planted a gift in you, he knew you before your birth and knew all that concerns you and ultimately wants you to be fulfilled, happy and content but so many times when he tells us to dig deep, we keep coming back like my daughter saying there is nothing there, sometimes our gift is hidden behind the clutter of our thought, our comparison, our fear, distractions but we just keep thinking, oh there is nothing there for me. Just before you give up, check again, God has gone before us to put all we need for life and he knows and he is still asking you to dig deep…because it is right there. Promise me, that when you find it, you won’t go like my 4 year old and say, ‘it is no treasure’ it is not important, it is just my writing skills, it is just my encouragement skills, it is just this , it is just that, I want something that would bring me better income like A or B, this is just… before you go that far, remember your gift would make room for you, just be diligent in it and you would sit before Kings.
Have a wonderful day
Yes be diligent and always do what is right. Nice one
yes…That too
Awesome post.
Thank You so much.