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Sights and Sounds…Episode2

Location- Dominoes Two things happened in Dominoes, one I would share now, the other, next episode of Sights and Sounds, We went there to get pizza as that is pretty much baby J’s craving now, while I was on the queue, everybody making orders, some receiving what was ordered, a lady in front of me just […]

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Dear God…

Recently I have had so many ‘Dear God’ moments, Sometimes, I know exactly what to say, sometimes I just keep quiet  and let him see my heart, some other times,I am impatient, just saying a lot of things at once that are not coherent…God understands. Today I know what to say to Him so here it […]

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Obee’s Sunday Inspiration.

Isn’t it amazing how people have the tendency to place a value on you even before they meet you? The surprising thing is that in most cases, we play along with other people’s preconceived notions about who we are. In a bid to be humble, we down play our talents and and abilities. When we […]

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He remains God!

I am very sad, I read a news today and it just broke me, how would someone so young , vibrant, healthy die? I know we understand in parts, I know there are a lot of scriptures to back up but i just want someone to understand that this is really really sad and painful…I […]

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