Do the people you surround yourself with inspire you to be more? Be around people who inspire you to become better. People who understand where you are going to and are willing to help you get there. If you are the brightest in your group, you need to find another group if you want to […]
To inspire you to be the best you can be…
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Sights and Sounds…Episode2
Location- Dominoes Two things happened in Dominoes, one I would share now, the other, next episode of Sights and Sounds, We went there to get pizza as that is pretty much baby J’s craving now, while I was on the queue, everybody making orders, some receiving what was ordered, a lady in front of me just […]
Dear God…
Recently I have had so many ‘Dear God’ moments, Sometimes, I know exactly what to say, sometimes I just keep quiet and let him see my heart, some other times,I am impatient, just saying a lot of things at once that are not coherent…God understands. Today I know what to say to Him so here it […]
Linda Ikeji: An Inspiration! I Want To Meet Her!
Obee’s Sunday Inspiration.
Isn’t it amazing how people have the tendency to place a value on you even before they meet you? The surprising thing is that in most cases, we play along with other people’s preconceived notions about who we are. In a bid to be humble, we down play our talents and and abilities. When we […]
Obee’s Sunday Inspiration- Be Good Because You Are Good…
You cannot afford to be hateful and unforgiven, these are two heavy baggages you must drop else they weigh you down. You must learn to forgive and let go of things. You may not be able to control the actions of others, you cannot control how they treat you but you have total control of […]
The Victim…Help yourself too please.
Has anyone ever come to you with a problem, asked for your counsel and every time you think that you are making headway, they block you with an obstacle? They give you a million reasons why what you are saying cannot work, you try again and they give you another reason and they keep throwing […]
He remains God!
I am very sad, I read a news today and it just broke me, how would someone so young , vibrant, healthy die? I know we understand in parts, I know there are a lot of scriptures to back up but i just want someone to understand that this is really really sad and painful…I […]
Obee’s Sunday Inspiration: When the breakthrough isn’t for real…
Recently I have gotten so many stumbling blocks as regards my blogging and as I get through one, I stumble on yet another, either internet modem stops working or the battery on the modem would not charge again, in all this, my phone that means so much to me, fell face flat on the floor, […]
The grass may be greener on the other side but…
Personally I have no problem with the parable ” the grass is not greener on the other side” but I just believe there might be some greener grasses in some place else but those grasses are not fertile for you!’ I was talking to someone recently and she told me how she was tired of […]