Random gist

Dear God

Hi guys, have you ever had this ‘dear God’ feeling or experience where you just want to tell God something…Sometimes it may be how you feel or why things aren’t going a particular way you would have preferred, why something happened, or even just to say thank you because of some things he has done […]

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Ebola virus prevention

I got this as a forwarded message and decided to share but we are praying and hopeful that the Ebola Virus don’t get to Nigeria and it stops spreading altogether. The First case of the Ebola virus has been reported in Ghana. It is therefore safe to assume this virus is in Nigeria,knowing how frequently […]

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My Life…My Story

This is a true life story by a blog visitor who wants me to share her story and according to her, she hopes this will encourage someone out there….The names used in this story has been changed. I dated this guy for 4 solid years, 4 years of being faithful, loving and anything a man […]

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We are back!!!!

Hmmmm…I cannot explain how much I missed blogging and you guys and how hard it was for me to sit back unable to change how long the blog would be offline…I innocently wanted to upgrade the blog without affecting my blogging but it did and something that was supposed to take days stretched into weeks…Okay maybe […]

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