Your girl is trying to stay healthy to lose weight and to be one of those people who when I say my age, people would go, “you’ve got to be kidding,” you know what I mean? So I am trying new things and my latest creation is a shrimp sauce served with whole wheat Macaroni. […]
Random gist
The Mirror Has been a very bad girl!
Since after Lady A, the compliments I have gotten are beyond me. “Oh you are really slim, did you really just give birth?’ I remember how I felt when I went for a show with Mr possible and while waiting for him to park the car, one of the guys selling the ticket asked, “why I was so late?” […]
The Power of the Mind
The mind is so powerful, and the way it works, some of us will never know… Do you know your mind can work in a way that it affects the body? Also what you allow into your mind can frame your world. At the wake of ebola in Nigeria, a lot has happened to me […]
Obee’s sunday inspiration – The power of the mind.
The mind is so powerful, and the way it works, some of us will never know… Do you know your mind can work in a way that it affects the body? Also what you allow into your mind can frame your world. At the wake of ebola in Nigeria, a lot has happened to me […]
Obee’s sunday inspiration – The power of the mind.
The mind is so powerful, and the way it works, some of us will never know… Do you know your mind can work in a way that it affects the body? Also what you allow into your mind can frame your world. At the wake of ebola in Nigeria, a lot has happened to me […]
What I learnt from Giuliana Rancic
If you know me very well then you will know that when it comes to E- news, my Favourite anchor is Giuliana Rancic… Oh lawd! That girl is so real and she gets me! Then when it comes to her husband, simply put, amazeballs! She is definitely one of the people I would love to meet, […]
What I learnt from Giuliana Rancic
If you know me very well then you will know that when it comes to E- news, my Favourite anchor is Giuliana Rancic… Oh lawd! That girl is so real and she gets me! Then when it comes to her husband, simply put, amazeballs! She is definitely one of the people I would love to meet, […]
What I learnt from Giuliana Rancic
If you know me very well then you will know that when it comes to E- news, my Favourite anchor is Giuliana Rancic… Oh lawd! That girl is so real and she gets me! Then when it comes to her husband, simply put, amazeballs! She is definitely one of the people I would love to meet, […]
While I was away…Why am I still away.
I saw that #Whileyouwereaway, was trending on twitter for Jonathan so since I am not Jonathan and no one would do this for me, I decided to do it for myself, talk about #self love…hehehe to tell you what happened while I was away… Many of you know my silence has been because I gave […]
Manny versus Floyd…The way I see it
The fight of yesterday was the most talked about fight I have heard in my life and even though I am not a big fan of people dishing out blows for the entertainment of others, I really would have loved to see it but I chose sleep…Some people woke up, some made bets and some […]