
This is very important to me as it is what I love doing, I love to advice you and talk to you on any issue concerning your relationship. I would also publish it so people can learn from it and advice you as well as I haven’t got all the answers. if you need to contact me then send a mail to or whatsapp +2347063794406

She Asked… Kiss and Tell.

This was another question from the ‘Just ask’ series, What is your advice? I have a friend that slept with her colleague at work thinking they were actually in love but right now he has told other guys in the office please what can she do to avoid the shame? The deed has already been […]

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Just Ask…To Say or not to Say?

Yesterday we did  the ‘Just Ask’ series and some people have some questions, I would have loved to answer right now but  I would be MIA for sometime and this particular person reminded me to post this for her so I am trusting my commenters to give her the right advice. Would drop my advice when I […]

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Ask Obee…Just Ask.

Just Ask is here again! And as usual it is about you! If you missed the last episode then click here. This is how it works, ask any question that you need an answer to, especially if it relates to relationship, marriage, well just stuff bothering you, I would do my best by God’s grace to […]

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The Married Bachelor…

The change of marriage shouldn’t just affect the lady alone; she changes her name to yours, you pretty much get an indoor restaurant and free “bad thing” whenever you like… I hate when a man gets married and still wants all the perks of bachelorhood, I feel when we get married we are both changed, […]

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