It’s funny but a dicey situation , what would you do if ever your kid, teen or your adult child caught you red handed having sex with your spouse?
O.M.G!! What exactly would be your first reaction and how would you handle the situation?
A fact is that every child’s mental development is in correlation to age. So however you describe and handle what the child saw, will depend greatly on the age of the child. What is the fear of a parent if ever caught by their child?
Thoughts like “did I just reveal sex for the first time to my innocent kid? What will people say if the child mentions or acts it out in public? How will my child picture me after such acrobatic display? Can I totally erase such memory from my child?” may run through you mind. Well, instead of shying away like a puppy caught in a garage by avoiding eye contact with your child, there are certain helpful suggestions you can engage in, that can produce healthy results or positive outcomes.
- You should NOT immediately jump out of your spouse when caught, else you risk exposing the private part of you both and even more than the child had already seen. Instead be confident and speak with authority as you politely ask your child to leave and shut the door behind them, while you chip in the daddy and mommy are having a private time if the child is a kid or a teen.
- There is no need to scream else you may make what you are doing look like a shameful and an unhealthy thing. Mistakes do happen so it’s unfortunate to be caught but it is not wrong. Which would you really prefer? Your child catching you two having sex or learning from porn? Who would really give them the best knowledge on sex education; it’s you, dear parents not porn.You and your spouse should pay a friendly visit later on to your child. In the course of discussion, act normal while you reassure your child that he/she did nothing wrong. Except he/she forgot to knock. Perhaps the door wasn’t shut, you teach the child to call and then knock before accessing the room. You ask questions on what exactly the child saw before you start dealing with the issues, so that you don’t say what is not needed to be revealed.
- For an adult child who already knows what sex is, you quickly address the issue of knocking and privacy, and then give a random gist of the dangers of trying sex outside marriage. i.e unwanted pregnancies, infections and diseases, the feeling of being abused, and the relevance of protected sex but for teens you must be certain of what the child saw before you proceed to telling the tale of “you are making babies”. You should also use the opportunity to also give a sound sex education, and finally tell them the dangers of telling someone what they saw about their parents.
- Finally if the child is a kid (4-6yrs), sex to a child of that age is really hard to comprehend, so you have to tell a white lie to protect the innocence of that child until they are old enough to understand, then you can give them a proper sex education afterall, Santa Claus from the North Pole, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairies are white lies too. So what is your story gonna be? you can tell your kid that you guys were having a private naked wrestling and how fighting at all is bad for kids but wrestling is an exercise therapy for adult to lose weight, and you really don’t want to see him/her practicing such exercise else you will not buy them things for Christmas and birthday.If you happen to be a very good story teller, you can tell another story different from mine. LOL
By Cynthia Nwokwule.
…Or just shut your door.
Hian!!! Awkward oh…. well hubby will initiate the talking whilst i sit beside him blushing and trying so hard to not laugh… I laugh when embarrassed choi!
Lol! See gobe!