Child sexual abuse is so prevalent in the world and in Nigeria, so mums,dads, uncles , aunties, you would love to read this informative piece for the next four fridays to educate you more on Child sexual abuse…I bet you would learn a lot more afterwards.

This write-up was done by Biebele Alex-hart and more of her details would be shared at the end of  the Child sexual abuse series .


‘I’ve been a Christian for over ten years now; things seemed to be going well for the first few years but these days I feel blue most of the time. I can’t tell why exactly, why I don’t trust people, why I never open up to people or why I carry all this shame inside. I was told that once I become born-again my life would change for the better but that doesn’t describe what’s going on in my heart. In fact, I think I feel worse. I have all these memories from 3 years old of my older cousin making me touch her in intimate places. I feel so ashamed, in fact, I carry this shame 24/7, 365. What is wrong with me, why did I do those things? I don’t understand. Why does this make me depressed 30 years later? The preacher says the joy of the Lord should be in my heart but I don’t feel any joy. Am I the only one who doesn’t? Will I ever be free? Will I ever come out of this dark pit of loneliness?’

–       Diary of a CSA Survivor



What is Child Sexual Abuse?

CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) is an epidemic that has hit our society very hard.  CSA is the involvement of dependent children and adolescents in sexual activities with an adult or any person who is bigger, where there is a difference in age, size or power in which the child is used as a sexual object for the gratification of the older person. This can take different forms: touching the victim’s breasts, buttocks, thighs, legs, vagina, penis (clothed or unclothed), oral or anal sexual penetration (forced or non-forcibly). It could also be verbal such as: asking a child to indulge in any sexual practice, seducing a child, description of sexual practices, repeated use of sexual language, using sexual terms as personal names. It could also be visual such as: Exposure to pornography, intentional (repeated) exposure to sexual acts, sexual organs and/or sexually provocative dresses; inappropriate scrutiny (attention) directed toward body (clothed or unclothed) or clothing for the purpose of sexual stimulation.


A person may have experienced, any number of the abuse activities listed above. An abuser can be anyone, a child’s mother, father, pastor, brother, sister, neighbour, landlord, etc. It could be a woman or a man, there are men who abuse boys, men who abuse girls, and women who abuse boys and there are women who abuse girls. It can take any form or shape. It would be wrong to think that women don’t abuse or that boys don’t get abused. Also, anyone from any type of family can be abused; rich, poor, functional, dysfunctional, etc. Sexual abuse is damaging no matter how the victim is violated. This is because the dignity and beauty of the soul is violated. But God can restore everything lost. It involves betrayal, especially when done by a very close relative. The effects of sexual abuse by a father can more damaging than when the perpetrator is a cousin.

Watch out for next week episode, CSA in Nigeria.
