If you read the Chimamanda’s interview last week where she supposedly said don’t call me Mrs by TheSunNews, You might also love to know that TheSunNews has recently apologised for their mistakes…

According to TheSunNews, it was production mix-up. The incorrect version of our interview with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the Nigerian-born international writer, was picked and published in The Sun Literary Review of Saturday, March 1, leading to some embarrassing factual and grammatical errors, both in the print and online editions.

We wish to state that Ms Adichie never, at any time, said she was a “Miss” (as erroneously published) but “Ms”, a term used to refer to adult women all over the world. We regret the embarrassment and pain this mistake and others have caused Ms Adichie, a woman we hold in high esteem at The Sun. We ask our readers to ignore the incorrect version which we have since taken off our website. Very soon, the correct version, which was left, in the heat of production, will be published.