imagesPersonally I have no problem with the parable ” the grass is not  greener on the other side” but I just believe there might be some greener grasses in some place else but those grasses are not fertile for you!’

I was talking to someone recently and she told me how she was tired of her parents, their stress and how they are always in her business, loll which parent is not in their child’s business? Growing up, a lot of us wish we could trade our parents for that other family where the dad or mum is calm, where they don’t flog but talk  to the kids… Looking back now, most of us know that we got  the best parents that suit us because God put you in that home for a reason and your character and strength were moulded from the home you came  from and experiences you have had.

There are times when we see someone with close to an impeccable life and instead of acknowledging it, we try to console ourselves by saying ” Oh well, the grass is not greener on the other side, you will be surprise what she is going through” or “There is no way his life is perfect , he may have something wrong with him…” well let me shock you, there are some people with close to perfect lives and their grass is really green and fresh. hehehe. For the fact your friend is doing so well and it seem all isn’t going well for you and her home is close to perfect, Yes! there are homes like that, where the man loves the lady, treats her nice, earns good money` and everything is going smooth and it is even safe to say their grass is green or greener than yours…The truth is , you are in that not so green grass for a reason and for a season and your friend or neighbour must have had her not so green grass season as well 

The not so green grass moment is allowed by God to help us grow into stronger people, ready for the purpose he has called us into…with this said, I think it is safe to say everyone has  their not so green grass moment, where they are hoping and looking over their neighbours lawn and how green it is and wish for a second that it was theirs. whatever situation you are in, financial, emotional, physical,just know it is your not so green moment but it is building up a better and stronger person…whenever I have a not so green moment, I always try to ask God, what he wants me to learn from it.

Looking back at my life now, I thank God my grass wasn’t green all the time and I also thank God it wasn’t as green as my neighbours lawn because I am sure, I wouldn’t have been able to maintain it properly as my neighbour had…With every not so green moment, there is a growing up and learning to do, so enjoy those not so green grass moment and learn whatever it is that should be learnt as you gently cultivate your grass to be greener.

