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Dear bride2mom,
I’m a silent reader of your blog and I must say that I’m in love with it… Keep up the good work.
Thing is I have a dilemma and here it is: I’m in a long distance relationship and there are no problems as I love my boyfriend and he really loves me too. We plan on reuniting in March but the thing is, I don’t feel like I’m still in love with him as much as I was, could it be because of the distance? We last saw in October. Please how can I cope with this ’cause deep down inside me I really do love him and want to be with him forever or do you think I’m worrying too much? And yes we talk everyday.
in my opinion I think you should discuss with him and express your doubts. in that way you guys can clear the air and move forward. he may be able to reassure you and keep hope alive.. I have friends who could not deal with long distance rlships. they had discussion s with your partners. some forged ahead and others had to call it off buy remained friends. communication is veru important in a relationship. Pmazing
I have been in a distant relationship for three years. And sometimes I feel like I no longer love my partner. But I realized that even married couples do not feel “hot love” for their spouse 24/7. Sometimes you don’t just feel your partner, BUT that does not mean you don’t love the person. Reunite in March and take it from there. Be warned, if you keep thinking you don’t love him, that is how you will act and react till the relationship ends. I suggest you think back to why you first loved him, and think of the beautiful future you will have with him. Learn to encourage yourself, by yourself. However, if after reuniting, you still feel you don’t love him, END THE RELATIONSHIP. God Guide you my dear.
I’m not an expert. My advice will be to meet with him in March and see how things go. You may be feeling this way because distance may be taking its toll on your relationship. Stay positive dear and hang in there. If after March, you still feel this way, I’ll suggest talking to him about it, after all, he’s your partner. All the best.
Hey dear. Personally I think you still love him but maybe you are distracted by the people around you…maybe other promising guys. And also long distance may affect a relationship but it can’t reduce the love especially when there’s good communication. Wait till you see him and check your feelings again. Ciao
Communication is key in every relationship and communication in a relationship means sharing your fears and vulnerability with someone and hoping they will understand you and not judge you… when you communicate well in any relationship, you are more yourself as you guys grow together through whatever hurdle, here is my advice to you; you should talk to him but I would prefer you talk to him when you see him in March, so there will be no misinterpretation, insecurity and other stuff that could cause a tense situation before you guys see. I think you are still in love with this guy and the distance is just taking a toll on the relationship… I also know you guys talk everyday but do you communicate ( look at my definition above). Thanks for writing in and I hope this helps you.
I would have liked to know what the length of this distance is, abroad or within Nigeria, reason being it would have helped me proffer a solution that may not need to wait till March hoooooweverrr…. maybe u have some distractions #wink# dat may be the reason suddenly r thinking of ur love for him that way, if not, then just chill n be the best of u to him as possible. Pray too for God to reassure u when u meet if this is ‘it’ or you shld walk away. Tkcr.
Hi dear, I will like to be practically honest in my opinion of your situation. With all due respect to the ladies; there is a saying that “girls are like monkeys, they never let go of a tree sterm until they have a firm grip of another”. So in my opinion you can only all of a sudden start feeling this way cos there is a distraction. Be focused and way ur options right so you dont the mistakes most ladies do. You certainly once loved that guy for good reasons I guess and distance cannot just take all of that away. All I can say to you is be wise. Cheers!
I suggest u re-unite first and study the relationship before u make n decision cos I feel its the distance that is affecting your love. but com to think of it “is there sumone else u see everyday” ? except youre not telling us everything.
I tink the distance is taking its toll on u alongside with a distraction but just wait till march and talk to him, then see how you feel. Also for now, keep a positive and loving mindset to the relationship cos our mindsets affects how we react or treat our partner. May God see u thru dear 🙂
Dat chilling till march thing is really hard right? It feels very long away, and u hav to deal with dis feeling everyday…its important you tell him how u feel… Communicate it biko…no time