September is here!!! I cannot believe I made it through the last two months of holiday from the constant settling of fight and unending questions, (Am i the only one here?) I am super excited to get the kids back to school to the loving hands of their teachers but one thing i am not excited about is the school run because baby J and Lady A are now in two different schools… Yep! someone moved to Primary 1 but as she calls it ‘THE BIG SCHOOL”

This Holiday was long and it was hard to sleep through it, now that i remember, I really tried this holiday. I had two teenagers in my home for the holiday(teenage boy really eat alot!) we did not only have to keep them engaged, we also had to get the kids engaged. How did you engage your kids though this holiday?

As for the holiday makers, they had to go to summer school and also some outings, for my girls(Lady A and Baby J) i had great intentions for them from taking them to the library, learning swimming, doing school work daily and i want to finalise it with going to visit the orphanage home but my brothers and sisters these were all plans.

The girls actually went to the swimming school and we worked together some times this holiday, there were plenty days of binging of tv, I even started designated survivor on Netflix, we made it to the library and after payment, we never made it there again lolll! As for the motherless babies home, we would definitely visit it during the next holiday.

Guess who also engaged herself this holiday? MEEEEE! Ha! The world has gone super techie o and this my blogging career needed some help so I went to a make up school and now I am in a videography school. We all have to upgrade ourselves one way or the other, if not we would never grow and when something is not growing, what happens? Your Guess is as good as mine

How was your summer holiday, did you engage your kids, did you upgrade yourself , did you travel for the summer and now it is back to school Are you excited to drop them with their teachers? Is it the first time for your little one to go to school?

First day of school, I even brought her toy when coming to pick her up

As i was saying baby j is now in Primary one, the first day of primary school was so much fun for her and me of course but it took me down memory lane to her first day of school when this child cried her eyes out and i cried also. how time flies

Have an amazing school year

Hugs and Kisses

