A nine-year-old girl who was allegedly kidnapped and held captive for seven months has been rescued from deep in the Amazon rainforest. The child, from Catalonia, Spain, went missing last August after her parents allowed their 35-year-old Bolivian neighbour, Grover Morales, to take her on holiday.
They were found in terrain in Bolivia’s Cochabamba region, which is barely reachable by car.
Morales, who lived in the house next to the girl’s parents in Hospitalet de Llobregat, is now facing charges of human trafficking and sexual abuse, according to The Local.
Following his arrest, he claimed the nine-year-old’s parents had granted him permission to marry her because he was a Muslim convert.
According to the International Business Times, he told local media: ‘I had her parents’ trust. Her mother told me if you have intentions to marry my daughter you will be welcome and I will allow you to do so.
‘So I filled the required paperwork, went with them to sign a power of attorney, and I was given the authorisation to take her. ‘I haven’t stolen, killed, or kidnapped anyone.’
The unnamed girl is due to undergo medical and psychological tests, before being flown back to Spain, where she will be reunited with her parents.
This is why some parents don’t allow kids go on holiday with anyone.
I don’t blame the mentally deranged man, he simply acted like the mad man that he is. The only one to blame here are the parents! In this modern age and time, how stupid and careless can a parent be! We protect our sons talk less of daughter. Who in their right frame of mind allows a female child travel with a man? Only a mentally unstable parent. Forgive my aggresiveness but this is an avoidable situation. A simple NO would have saved the little girl from such torture