It was a casual day of staying in the house and doing nothing in particular and as it is, our high point(babyJ and I) is when ‘dada’ comes back from work as he is fondly called by her. I was having a very lazy day and when MrPossible came home, he asked that we take a drive to the mall to pick a few stuff but the catch was that, I would be in the car while he does the picking and zoom we left
Prior to that, I was not in the mood to do anything like dress up, I just pulled out a jean, threw a shirt and ran my hands through my head( no time for hair brush…) so we got there and I stayed back in the car while he went about the groceries, next thing babyJ started giving me cranky vibes and I was in no mood for that one bit, so I unstrapped her and took her for a walk which she was so excited about.
As I was walking, who did I see? MrPossible and a colleague, this colleague has about four kids and trust me she is always looking put together, they were coming towards me and I did not know what to do and in minutes several things came to mind ” walk past MrPossible or just start running, I was not looking my best at all (covers face) and we admire and have even gisted about this lady’s dress sense…so I guess I would have to walk past MrPossible, oya it was for babyJ and MrPossible to cooperate but before I could finish thinking of my exit plan, I heard babyJ saying “dada! dada!!” with a smile as she ran towards him, should I act like he is a stranger and snatch my daughter or should I go with the flow?…At the risk of looking like a mad woman, I went with the flow and said hi to MrPossible and he was like “meet my wife and kid” why won’t the ground open when you want it to?” I raised my head and gave her a wave with a quivering voice and half smile saying “Hi”, I was glad the pleasantries was over in a blink of an eye, through out the drive, I thought about it, I thought of how MrPossible must have felt and I was uncomfortable. loll… (I can torment myself sha)
It took a day later for me to talk about it to MrPossible and this was the response I got “well, it wasn’t your best, just put in more effort even if you have no plans to leave the car” After the talk we went out again,
You need to see me this time( mascara, eyeshadow, popping red lipstick, outfit, shoe(no more fancy slipper), fixed nails, eyelashes,…loll ok that was an exaggeration. Well, all I did was look good,simple and presentable, but I wore a shoe as to fancy slippers and If I had met anyone on the road I would say, yeah I am Mrpossible’s wife, inshort I will introduce myself to them…hehehe.
All I am saying is this, Please learn from my mistake ladies and look good wherever you go, put in more effort, you don’t know who you would meet out there and that might be the only impression they would ever have of you ( not for me though, I am going to visit that lady all dressed up soon).lolll #correctingtheimpression
thats true. cos it happens alot the day u dont feel like it dats wen u meet pple u dont expect.
Nice piece. I just hope all readers would learnt something from this. Keep the good work.
Lol, I burst into laughter @ the part about running away…
Funny but true
i couldn’t stop laughing while reading this piece, also with the imagination of your looks and expression on your face, that even made me laugh the more.