As I look around the space I have called home for almost a year, the cartons everywhere indicating that it is time to go, the environment and the ambience I have come to cherish and love, I can’t believe this is it, this is the end of my stay in Oman, wow! time moves so fast when you are having fun, before I leave this place I have decided to share with you what I would miss about Oman and things I learnt in Oman.
The food: Omg!! Oman has a lot of restaurants with great food as a foodie concerned, I enjoyed my fine dining experience here( don’t worry, will do a review on all the restaurants I visited here in Oman and their food in my Oman diary)
The ambience: The place is so serene , simple and beautiful, nature’s best and it gives you time to think, reflect, plan etc
The beach: it was just opposite my house, hmmm my dear, I went there some times and had a great time but as they say, when something is close to you, you don’t value it…when I get back to lagos, I would drive through traffic to get to Elegushi beach and even pay gate fee sef. You need to see the beach at nigh, very full with families and friend, they bring their own barbecue stand, make kebab, bonfire, play drums, sing and generally catch up…they even sleep there( don’t try sleeping in a Nigerian beach o)
The peace, security and trust: Oman is so safe to the best of my knowledge, people leave their doors opened while they go out and even at night… Mrpossible and I have even done it sef. They are so trusting! gosh! that old school kind of trust, They believe your word is enough! you go to a restaurant and realise you forgot your wallet, they would tell you to go and bring back the money whenever you come to dine in…we did a cake for babyj’s birthday cake and the guy did not have change, then he told us to pay later and left without taking a dime…Don’t try that in naija
Their love for kids: Omani’s love families, It is a family centred place, a lot of parks for kids, free gift for kids in shops, everything kids. We went to a samsung shop and before we left they gave babyJ two gifts.
The interesting and rich culture: The culture is undiluted, family oriented, beautiful, their style of marriage and dating EPIC! we would have gone for a wedding in August but we would be out of here by then
The fish: I must tell you , I am not so much of a fish fan but Oman made me a believer…loll. The fish I have tried in oman must be over 30 different species, omg! they have amazing fish here and they all have different taste, took bad, i did not document every fish i tried…Yum! i would miss fish here!!!
The new friends I made: I had genuine friendship right here, amazing friends that I learnt from, friends that have become a part of me…beautiful minds!
Mrpossible home for Lunch: Before in Lagos, I get to see Mrpossible only at night and sometimes very late at night…chai! But here, he comes home every lunch break as the office is 7 minutes drive from our house and we always had good quality time with each other.
The Ideas: when you are in a peaceful environment, you think!!!!!!!, I cannot tell you how many meaningful ideas popped in our heads…in lagos, with the tense environment, sometime is had to make sense of the noise …cheers to Oman.
The Nigerian Committee in Oman: Hmmmm! Amazing Nigerians, they helped us settle in easily, picked us from the airport, visited, brought food for hubby when I was not around, dropped us at the airport and waited till we boarded…it was just like a very large family, hubby and I usually say, “if Nigeria can be like this, then we would have a great country” Cheers to the Nigerian committee Oman!
What I learnt from Oman
I learnt more about myself of course: I realised I am way stronger than I thought, in character, strength and all
I got closer to God: Great relationship we have got going on here.
As a couple: We learnt more about ourselves
I started blogging and business: Can I get a whoop whoop!
I learnt to pick my battles especially when it came to outsiders, things I hear or things I see, I learnt to let a lot slide…
One regret though, I never got to fish in Oman, people come to fish on the beach, they climb the rock and fish…I really wanted to do that so I would fry the fish immediately and know what real fresh fish taste like…salivating already.
I love Oman so much but cannot wait to be home and see what’s next for me…I would miss my Oman, I think I have mixed feelings about Nigeria and returning back sha…Would gist you guys soon
Welcum home hun!
Thank you kanang
It’s hard to let go of a place you call home and have adapted to.. welcome back Hu
I can definitely relate to a lot of things you have on here, though I was a teen when I last lived there. This brings back many great memories. I remember when my mom would call all three of us girls to accompany her to the fish market (I think it’s in Al ghubra .. Correct me if I am wrong) then it was no fun cos we would rather be doing something else other than staying there and pricing different kinds of fish only to arrive home at 6pm at night. Of course we would enjoy the fish well well when it gets cooked. Cheers to a very peaceful country and lovely write up Obee.
Can u tell yours things to watch out for in d middle east. Where u able to attend church on sunday? Since its a weekday. Tnx
Sounds like it was fun, welcome home dear.