Please guys I need help with some recipes for my 3years and 18 month old kids… I cant seem to get them to eat. How can I make meal time fun and interesting…Multivitamins aint helping!!!
Please guys I need help with some recipes for my 3years and 18 month old kids… I cant seem to get them to eat. How can I make meal time fun and interesting…Multivitamins aint helping!!!
Hi, With my little experience with children & my kid sis who did nt like food till she was like 6yrs, here is wat I did, I gave her the stuff she liked, things like malt, jiuce, meat pie, fruits etc. Mind u as a child she plays so she burns d calories off. Another method was making my sis eat with me dt was nt easy, another is singing & telling her stories while making her 2 eat & anoda was either I hold cane of tell her somthing she feared(like she feared Lagaja) or tell her we play a sweet game after eating, which u shld really after eating, bt i did nt always paly d game even wen I told her bt I tried wen I was free. Most importantly it was a prayer point 4 d house which God answered. That 2dy she is bigger than her age & eats every other 45mins & tells us no amt of prayer can stop her frm eating. Hope my points helps u.
Thanks dear. Very insightful.