The mind is so powerful, and the way it works, some of us will never know… Do you know your mind can work in a way that it affects the body? Also what you allow into your mind can frame your world.

At the wake of ebola in Nigeria, a lot has happened to me and I guess you too. I remember my first cold, first cough, runny tummy, temperature and how scared I was – the thought creeped into my head, ” what if it is Ebola?” I even went as far as thinking how bad and sad it would be to say my goodbyes. How the only contact would be through peeps and waves with sorry faces looking at me and probably praying for my soul… Yeah I thought that far. Even though I knew the possibilities of getting the dreaded disease was close to none as it wasn’t in my city.

I took necessary precautions the day I found out about it, like stopping my baby from the church children Sunday school and even took a day out to fast for my dear nation Nigeria, all out of fear. I am not saying taking precaution is wrong but I am just showing how my mind worked. How the thoughts became fears and I started acting it out.

That is what the devil does to us. He tries to get into your minds because he knows once he is there, he would get hold of your peace, scatter your thought pattern and envelope you with fear and that’s when we become so low and even though our heart believes God and his word that is when we think that we have a role to play to fight off the fear (heaven help those who help themselves, not scriptural by the way). It is a constant battle and we have to fight these thoughts and fight to win… It goes like this…

Hubby travels and is not in town… You just spoke with him and he said he will call you back, you try the number after a long wait and it rings but no one picks, next day is switched off, you keep trying and no response…

You: (hope everything is fine?)
Devil: Hope he wasn’t attacked on his way home
You: (I reject this thought, devil you have no hold of my mind)
Devil( in a more subtle way) even paints a picture of your hubby shot, in a very helpless state
You: (voice trembling) I reject it in Jesus name
You: (what if it is true?)

Now devil has his foot at the door and won’t give up, he would frustrate you with all the thought you can imagine but you are to even push harder and if it comes to you saying it aloud then do it but most times, we become frantic and would refuse to listen to that calm voice that tells you nothing is wrong. you probably call everyone you can to share your fears (making it harder for you to be calm) etc etc… It is a game and this time the devil won, he enjoys taunting us with our minds.

It’s time to always believe what God has to say about us, his promises and stick with it. Click To Tweet

In our vulnerability that’s when trusting in God is most important. Boldness and sound mind is ours!

Have a great Sunday people and remember to share, subscribe and comment! 
