Can you remember the post on how we felt when we found out we were pregnant, if not click here…Well I am at it again, this time, it’s not my story but yours…Yeah yours, I am sharing your pregnancy story, from the beginning to the end because there is always someone, somewhere giving birth, asking a question about birth/pregnancy or even nervous about the whole process, with this we hope they would not feel alone, would be able to relate with what you went through  and also learn from you. Our very first bride2mom is Mrs O, below is her story… Read, enjoy and learn.

We are Pregnant!

I felt very blessed because I got pregnant immediately. You cannot imagine how excited hubby was. Actually, there were signs but I didn’t know it was pregnancy signs. I was always feeling weak and had signs of malaria. Normally I would take malaria drugs but this time around I did not. I told my hubby I had a temperature and he said he’s not sure because my body temperature was not high and so I thought I had a problem as I kept feeling like I was running a temperature.

I wanted to go for malaria test but hubby refused and said I was okay. Finally, the expected day of my period came and I didn’t see anything (ghen ghen!) I waited and still nothing and that was when I confirmed I was in fact expecting! Guess who knew all along? Hubby dearest!

During Pregnancy

1st Trimester

Vomiting And Weakness.

The worse part was being far from family and friends so I had nobody to run to. I would have to cook, eat and vomit, even if we had to eat out, I will still vomit when I get home. I remember one night, hubby and I strolled out and the urge to vomit came knocking. Immediately, hubby said “please sweetie just hold it till we get home” and before he could finish his statement, I was already vomiting. Thank God it was a dark and quiet road, pregnancy is not easy sha…phew!
When it was becoming unbearable, hubby had to take me back home to meet my parents. You need to see how they were running around me, cooking and giving me everything I wanted. I guess being the last born has it pecks, and miraculously, I recovered very fast. Maybe because I missed them sha…

2nd Trimester

I was strong and bouncing.

It’s fun being pregnant sha. With my long stomach, I would still go to the market, come back home, cook, clean the house and still perform my wifely duties… Hubby was supportive throughout the process.

The Birth Experience

Hmmm… Wonderful experience.

On my way to antenatal class, my antenatal paddy called me to tell me she’s been delivered of a baby and I was like God please hasten my own, though my EDD was still faraway, I was already tired. sigh

Sleeping in the night with my big stomach wasn’t funny because I usually sleep with my stomach facing the ground so adjusting to the new sleeping position was difficult. I went for antenatal that faithful day and came back home around 10 pm in the night and that same day, my baby’s kick was really hard and I was like this baby has started oh. Immediately, my water broke and then I was hospital bound.

On my way to the hospital, I was gisting and laughing and said “so this is the labor that people say is painful?” I had no clue that there was more in store and that was just the beginning…

Finally, the main pain came and no sign of baby yet. It was unbelievable! It got to a point I said doctor please just do CS for me because I am tired and she said, “Did your mum give birth through CS?” I said no. Then she said “don’t worry you will give birth soon, first pregnancy is always like that,” and finally my Prince came out and all the pain disappeared…

Immediately the baby comes out you forget your pain.


  • Take your drugs, eat balance diet and plenty of fruits and water. You will have enough energy all throughout the time you are expecting and you will heal faster after delivery.
  • Make sure if u notice anything strange, such as, faint kicking of your baby or no kick at all, go to the hospital.
  • Make sure you don’t miss your antenatal and always take the advice of your doctor.
  • Our bodies are different so what works for one won’t work for you. Stick to the prescription  your doctor gave to you.
  • One of the important things I learnt from antenatal is that safe delivery is, mother and child alive; whether you deliver normally or go through a Caesarean Section… So if your doctor says that you will have to give birth through CS, DON’T PANIC.

It was a great experience and motherhood is  very interesting…Enjoy!


No two birth stories are the same, everyone has a  different story, What’s yours? You can send it to or just share below.


Obehi Agbonifo