A 17-year-old Nigerian girl Forester Samson (pictured above) was stabbed and burnt to death in Moscow, Russia by yet to be identified Russian gangsters, according to a report by Sunday Sun.

This is so painful, this girl is pretty and too young to even go through anything like this…she was suppose to be protected by her mother, believing that whatever decision the mother makes for her would be with her best interest in mind…I am hoping the mother did not know what she was getting her daughter into.

Sunday Sun gathered that she was murdered by yet-to-be-identified Russian gangsters. According to a family source, the perpetrators went further to lock her body in a room and set it ablaze. Though, the police took her to the hospital, it was rather futile.

The source revealed that Forester was sponsored abroad by one Mercy who is suspected to be trafficking Nigerian girls on the promise that she would assist them with decent jobs in Russia. The teenager without hesitation, but with the approval of her mother jumped at the offer with high hopes.

You know what is hurtful about news like this, parents will still not listen….Please no matter how nice the person seem to be, do not send your child abroad with them…the truth is there is no free lunch(okay maybe there is )but please no matter the story all those seemingly good uncles and aunties give you about them taking your kid abroad for better life…please parents, it is better you stay with them and suffer together than unknowingly involving yourself in human trafficking.

Say No to shady deals, say no to ‘corner corner abroad runs’ and say No to HUMAN TRAFFICKING!
