The social media craze is alarming as the world has turned into my grandmother’s hut. Everything that happens is one place goes around the world in the speed of light. The good, bad, the ugly is talked about in different places about people’s lives especially relationships and marriages in Hollywood and more recently Nollywood. We hear who married who, who is leaving who and this ends up in our daily chit-chat.
The vibe we get from the social media has made most of us want to be stars of some sort by doing our videos, changing status to recently engaged, in a relationship, single blah blah blah.
This couple has been trending lately and they are too cute for words and thank God they are married… I feel it is cool for them but what confuses me in the social media relationships is when you flaunt that you are in a relationship on Facebook, put up too good to be true pictures, then in some months you are single again and when you get lucky you go over the circle again.
I was looking through a friends Facebook pictures and his girlfriend was all over the place, then someone recently congratulated him for dating (puzzled maybe cos she’s white) and he responded under the comment we are not together again and I am like, “which kain thing be this?”. Why tell us when you are dating, make us know when you have troubles and when you break up, forcing us to come tell you sorry when the chips are down, why not just wait, I know how it feels when the relationship is so good and you cannot wait to tell the world? Unfortunately it can still fail so bia my sister Biko just try wait till your wedding card is out, then bombard every social media platform with your pictures, that way it is a win-win. We don’t know when you started, we don’t know when you quarrelled , we just see a wedding card and congratulate you heartily
How many will we like
To the married folks:
Enjoy posting your pictures and everything if you want, after all you are married and it is not an easy something. If you like make conversations on what meal to cook for him or run the entire marriage on Facebook( not adviceable) but whatever rocks your boat… The only advice I shall put out there is when things get rocky, if it ever does, don’t act like everything is fine on social media with the picture perfect moment because you think you have to feed your information… Sit back, relax And fix the marriage not the media.
True (Why tell us when you are dating, make us know when you have troubles and when you break up, forcing us to come tell you sorry )
True “The only advice I shall put out there is when things get rocky, if it ever does, don’t act like everything is fine on social media with the picture perfect moment because you think you have to feed your information… Sit back, relax And fix the marriage not the media”