I can vividly remember what birthed this idea. I was five months pregnant and a homemaker lol ( sounds better than housewife), my hubby had just gone to work and I lay in my bed trying to get into the next phase of sleep…yeah, I was a lazy pregnant woman. Then I decided to go through my phone to catch up with my favourite blog as that would serve as a lullaby and nudge me to sleep.



As I kept reading, I thought to myself, if only there was a blog that would talk about relationships, marriage, life after the wedding ceremony, getting pregnant immediately after wedding and definitely real life issues. At this point, I wrote a story captioned “we are pregnant” (then there was no caption sha) just the story of how we found out we were pregnant and our reaction. While writing, I was getting excited at every line and could not wait for hubby to be back from work…well, sleep got the best of me.



When hubby returned, I read the story to him and he sounded impressed and told me to combine everything I loved doing especially relationship advice and counseling- which is my passion by the way and go ahead with a blog… in his words, “you are a good and interesting writer”. Guys, I believed him and here I am today and cannot wait to find out if he was saying the truth or giving me the ‘WIFE answer’. You know how it is when your dad tells you, “you are the most beautiful girl in the world and you kind of know you are not’….lol! I can only hope that is not what he meant.



Enough said, let us get down to business, this blog is going to deal with real life issues; relationships (single and married), pregnancy, parenting, God, weddings, food and small small gist.



By God’s grace, with my experience and contribution from other experienced people (readers), we hope to leave you better than you were by handling every issue, question, challenge, curiosity to the best of our abilities…my motto is to listen, advice, not judge but tell you the truth. I look forward to enjoying this journey, learn more and I hope you do too….it’s going to be fun!!!!.



