I had a friend spend a weekend in my house; it was very wonderful as she came with her fiancé. They got married that weekend and I was privileged to witness it (yep! I signed the wedding certificate). Just incase you do not know, I am crazy for romantic stuff so I paid close attention to them through out their stay and of course you could tell they were in love, little kisses here and there, cuddles, whispers and laughter filled the house. While carefully observing them (hahaha! aproko like me) the topic for this week came to mind.

It is beautiful when you see a couple hugging, cuddling, kissing, passing compliments, whispering and laughing at each other’s jokes, (sometimes they are not even funny set . Can you remember the hand holding, the head resting on his shoulders, like your head was too heavy for you to carry on your own, the tilting towards him while driving like the driving was distracting the bonding process (I did all that)? I particularly remember while driving with my fiancé then, I would hold his hand so he gets to turn the steering wheel with just one hand (bad driving by the way, but who cares?) and when he needs to use the other hand, he would say something like “baby please give me a minute” (hahaha)…those things were really cute but when last did I do that, when last did I even sit in front while hubby drives? It’s always at the back seat with the baby (that has recently changed though).
The way I see it, the little things make life worthwhile, keeps the marriage young and beautiful. If while you are reading this, you are thinking “oh I can remember those days” or you see a couple hugging, kissing and you think “aww, they must be newly weds” then you are among those that forgot those sweet little things while the marriage grew or felt it was no longer as important as back in the days. Please it is very important and not too late to start all over again. If this was never in your relationship, now is a good time to ignite the flame of romance…C’mon show that brother or sister some love and let us know how it goes. Trust me, it helps the relationship, makes it feel youthful and fuels the passion…. please do not forget the little things.
What were the little things you did and what are the things you do now?
