A friend of mine pinged yesterday saying, ” Nobody told me my breast will become sour” and advised I write on this topic… This must have been an omission on my part. Well, here are the things you may want to know before your baby arrives:

  1. Your boobs most likely will get sour but don’t worry there are some boobs cream that can lubricate the place for you and if you cannot get one then use our very own unscented petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
  2. Pregnancy is the easy part most of the time, I remember saying ” I can’t wait for this child to come out so I can rest.” Well she did and 2 years gone, I have still not gotten that rest I was looking forward to.
  3. You LIFE as you know it, is going to change BIG TIME.
  4. Sleep all you can while pregnant because you would miss those days where all you could do was sleep and you did not.
  5. Sleeping position would change while pregnant as you cannot lie flat on your tummy (my favourite position).
  6. Before you give birth, go for as much date nights as you can, see the movies, eat out etc because this might be a luxury later on.
  7.  Your baby would most likely sleep at the middle with you and hubby acting guardian angels, therefore stealing cuddle time with hubby.
  8. You may get worried about your new status a.k.a weight. People may call you madam but don’t worry, you would lose most of it, if not all.
  9. You would most likely add weight after the baby, because you are nursing.
  10. Nursing is not easy as you would feed the baby every two or three hours every night, so sleep when you can.
  11. Your boobs would never be the same but take it as the scars of war, A war you won!…lol
  12. Try not to scratch your bump, thighs etc to avoid stretch marks, just apply lubricant and rub it whenever it itches.
  13. Before the baby comes, you have to plan and know that there is a man in your life, whom you shouldn’t neglect when the bundle of joy arrives… So put things in place to make sure everyone is fine.
  14. You would need help but if you don’t have help, you would just work well with your timing and the chores would help as your exercise.
  15. You may feel like crying sometimes after the baby arrives, please feel free to, it happens and if you feel you need to talk to someone, then do….You can even talk to me.
  16. Your boobs may not flow the first time or it may flow too much that the baby may not be able to keep up resulting to engorgement (hard boobs) painful but it gets better.
  17. Burping the baby may not be as easy, in-fact it was a very hard process for us but it is very important.
  18. Treat yourself to a massage… You need it. A bath with epsom salt always helps.
  19. No matter how anyone tries to explain what labour feels like to you, they can never do it justice. Also know that no two labour experience can be the same, so don’t get worried.

In all this, know that you have the strength to handle it. You are stronger than you think you are.. You were made for this and you would rock it! All the best to new bride2moms!

Tell me what you wish you knew before baby arrived…
