Did you read Omotola’s piece on Gender inequality,more like the interview she had, if you missed it, you can find it here… I saw this response from a lady and I asked her if I could share, enjoy the read and tell us what you think…
A girl has breasts, a womb and a vagina. A man has a flat chest, no womb and a penis. A man is flush with testosterone, a principal male hormone that is instrumental in the development of his reproductive organs as well as increase in muscle, bone mass and body hair; a woman is imbued with oestrogen, which is a primary female hormone that also plays a role in her development and definitive features. These hormones are the basic reasons why a man is physically stronger and a woman, not so strong. This is what I call GENDER DIFFERENCES.
To tell a girl that she isn’t as smart as her brother because of her sex, to tell a woman that she cannot travel out of the country without a male family member’s permission because she’s a weak woman, telling a girl that she can’t go to school because she’s female and will therefore get married and be of no use to the family; that is GENDER INEQUALITY.
Gender difference is totally different from gender inequality. It is generalization to say that there isn’t a man that won’t feel comfortable in a kitchen, married or unmarried; I have seen two men that do so; both when they were single and when they got married. Now, whatever a man or woman is taught, they will learn to do, in almost every situation. I was eleven years old when my grandfather taught me carpentry and I made three stools for my mother’s kitchen. Some would say that is a man’s work, right? Wrong. My grandmother taught her sons and daughters to cook; today, those uncles of mine can give me a run for my money in the kitchen anytime. Why? Because of gender equality.
I utterly disagreed with Omotola because her opening statement stated that God didn’t create men and women equal. I challenge her or anyone to show me where that is written in the Scriptures. In Genesis 1: 26, God created man in his image and gave them dominion (superiority) over the seas and its contents, land, birds, etc, and not over each other. Genesis 1:27, God created them male and female, blessed them, gave those mandates etc. He didn’t put either over the other. He never told man, “You’re superior or inferior to this woman nor did he say woman, you’re superior or inferior to man.” Paul further states in Galatians 3:28 that in Christ, there is no Jew or Greek, no slave or freeborn, no male or female; for we are one in Christ. Read about Zelophehad’s daughters in Numbers 27:1-9, whom God ordered Moses to give their father’s inheritance to them. They weren’t to be denied, simply because they were girls. In fact, unlike what is obtainable in many parts of Africa that we so fondly like to quote, a female child was next in line even before the father’s brothers and kinsmen. Read about Deborah, a judge in Israel. THAT IS GENDER EQUALITY, spelt out by God himself.
Omotola has no inkling that the fight for gender equality made it possible for her to act and tour the world the way she does; ordinarily she would be at home, breeding until her womb fades away, with little or no say in how her husband runs his life. She should try living in Saudi Arabia where women don’t vote, drive, or travel without a male family member’s permission or escort. Then she should speak again of gender inequality.
I am no in support of a fight for “equality” which seeks to emasculate men and enthrone women as the superior sex. If a girl child is taught to cook, her brother should be given the same chance, instead of leaving him at the mercy of some woman or restaurants in the future, because he cannot cook. If women have maternity leaves, men should too. Daycares at places of work should be built with fathers in mind too, so they can bring their kids to work. On dates, the expenses should be split in half.
My problem with gender equality is that even the men are guilty of refusing to let it happen in a way that favours them. Many men would rather die than let a woman pay for dinner or lunch. They complain so much of women always being at the receiving end but if you want to even that playing field, they say you’re too independent. If I were to suggest payment of groom price as well as bride price, many men will sever my head. The main reason will be pride.
I listened as a mother ordered her daughter to go wash some dirty dishes that her younger brother had left in the kitchen sink. When the girl protested, her mother’s reply was that she was a woman and her brother was a man who would one day have a wife who will do that for him, while the girl will do hers alone as her husband won’t help her. I was so sad and strongly objected. That girl was already being set up to be inferior to men in general and that boy, to be entitled, a user and lord it over women. I also felt sorry for the future wife of such a boy. This is a result of eons of bad culture and tradition that needs to be effaced. Too bad it can’t be done in a day.We’re different, but we’re equal.
By Eketi Aime Ette
WOW! This couldn’t have been put better. Well said and articulated. What parents also fail to see is that when they stop their sons from doing things for themselves they rid them of the skill and ability to manage themselves which can have grave consequences going forward. Thanks for writing this. It should be in the papers.
Nice post. But what I have realized is that women that fight for the so called gender equality do not believe in themselves. Women/females that feel confident will not bother about gender equality or no gender equality. Omotola was not saying women are less than men. This is part of what she said… I believe women should understand this. When a woman starts a struggle for power tussle with him, it tends to cause friction in the home. The woman should give the man the respect as the head of the home and also prove herself as a worthy co-pilot… So ladies, stop fighting and complaining about being equal with a men. Build yourself and live your life. SIMPLE. Besides washing plates and learning to take care of a home is not preparing a girl to be inferior to a man.
Nice post. Inasmuch as I don’t support gender inequality, I think there is also a place for segregation of roles and responsibilities. For example, while I believe it’s okay for a wife not to work if the couple agree so, same shouldn’t apply for a man. His responsibility (role) as given by his creator is to provide for his home. So also for the married ones, you will realise that as best as the man may try, the role of taking all round physical care of a baby is best for the woman. It’s about the roles designed in the human manual, not inferiority. N.