I vividly remember when hubby and I found out we were pregnant, especially all the drama that trailed the event. We had just got married and returned from honeymoon but while in the ‘moon’ there was a day I could barely walk upright. We were not sure why, but hubby gave me a soothing massage and dismissed the issue with some intimate jokes. Thinking back, I remember I slept during most drives when out on tours until we got to the destination. Of course we were quick to blame everything on the stress of the wedding, having no clue what else could be amiss.

When we got back from the honeymoon, I wanted to put the house in order so it can represent both of us, I had the perfect wifely role all planned out and the more I tried to meet up to my expectation, the more I couldn’t as I fell sick and we had to source for help to clean the house. I could not understand my body anymore, a body I had known so well started failing me and guess who was still blaming it on stress of the wedding? Hubby dearest! Even when his friends jokingly said I’m sure Obehi is pregnant, we would both laugh and say “nah we want to enjoy ourselves for at least six months” who were we deceiving when we had no measures to ensure this.

Okay period did not show on the expected date and hubby still wanted to blame it on the wedding stress…. lol. I just did not listen jor and got myself a pregnancy test kit and behold It was positive and just to make you know it didn’t play out like some Nigerian movies, as I did not run into my husband’s arms to say the famous “I am pregnant”, there also was no throwing up or going to the hospital and incidentally find out I am pregnant. It was a very calm moment for me as I walked out of the toilet and gently whispered, I think I am pregnant with a little smile hoping that as I told him, the reality will dawn on me more about the pregnancy but the happy boy smiled and said you are lying and went further to say “how are we sure this thing works, let me try it,” then he peed on the stick and your guess is as good as mine… We just looked at each other with smiles on our faces, not knowing , if to laugh, hug or even cry ( maybe just me for the cry) but we had this knowing look that our lives were going to change from then on.

What’s your story?
