Hi everyone! Welcome to bride2mom blog. I would like to give a detailed explanation of what bride2mom has got to offer everyone. As mentioned earlier, we would talk about relationships, marriage, parenting and lots more.

I will share my perspective on relationships, marriage and other topics through written messages or short videos. That being said, I will not be able to do this on my own without the help of you guys (I certainly don’t have all the answers). Your views and opinion are most welcome through comments on issues posted on the blog. Your suggestions and advice could just be the much needed solution to someone’s life issue.

Food (Obee’s Unconventional Kitchen)

This will be me trying out a lot of things, maybe not the conventional way but it will turn out mouth watery and delicious (yum!). Of course, I will not mind suggestions, contributions and some of your secret recipes as well (winks).

Pregnancy and Parenting
I would share as much as I know from my experience and advice I received from family, friends, books and personal research during my pregnancy. Please share yours too so others can learn from a rich pool of knowledge.

Silent whispers

This is a project close to my heart, where we would discuss the issues our society is silent about… issues people keep to themselves because they are scared or ashamed of the stigma associated with them. The range of such topics include domestic violence, child molestation (abuse), HIV/AIDS, rape, abortion amongst others. Readers are encouraged to share their experience anonymously.

Of course, He is the source of our inspiration.

What is in it for you?
You guys are so important and I definitely will not be able to run this blog without your help and comments. When in need of advice, please feel free to write in. I will do my best to help and hopefully the combined experience of the house will proffer a workable solution. You can also send us any topic that would interest the house (meaningful, relevant and entertaining ), via my email (bride2mom@gmail.com) and I will see to publishing it …suggestions on topics you like me to write or do a video/audio on are also welcome.

This is bride2mom blog where we talk about anything, everything and of course, leave you feeling better than you were …so sit back and enjoy the journey as we take care of you from your single days to parenthood.

We would post weekly for now and increase the frequency as we grow.
