There is this saying that you cannot get to know a man or woman until you are married to them. I believe you will see signs of who they are and know some things based on how much is revealed but there are really some little things you did not know about your spouse until you got married. Though traits like violence and anger are always shown a bit before you get married, if not shown at all until marriage then that guy or girl is a very good actor and should not waste the talent at home but go register in Nollywood.
The truth is there are little things we only discover after marriage and we go… “are you for real?” let me give an example of what I noticed just after marriage…My lovely husband and I were on our way to the honeymoon destination and you know they serve tea and little snacks during the flight, so they did and I noticed the way he was drinking his tea was so personal, for every bite of cake, he takes a sip and I told him “why are you forming” he was confused and said ” No, this is how I drink my tea” so I finished mine and noticed he was on the last bite of cake, after he put the cake in his mouth, he dusted his hands and was chewing, you need to see the fulfilment on his face, so I cleared my table because I had finished a long time ago and I put my cup into his knowing he had finished his tea. At that, I heard “My tea” I was so shocked and thought he was joking, he said “My last tea” and I said I thought you were done, there was almost no tea in that cup, he said that the tea was for that last piece and now he would have nothing to accompany the last piece of cake, he was sad and the look on his face was priceless like a child that had his last candy snatched from his hands…I held myself from laughing because he was serious so I tried to remedy the situation by offering him another tea and he refused saying , it wont be like that last tea….hahaha! Since then I knew that you don’t play with his last stuff on the plate, because it was planned for, you better ask if you think he had finished but nowadays most times he goes “babe come take my last meat, Its because I love you oh, if not you know the last is always the best…”
Now I totally believe you cannot know your spouse fully until you are married. Some may sleep in very weird ways, talk while sleeping, take somethings that you think are trivial personal… it all boils down to the fact that we are from different backgrounds – so if he takes it personal then it is a big deal! loll
What were the things you noticed when you got married?
What we found out when we got married…
categories: Relationships
LOl that’s a pretty funny story. We have similar stories too on our blog. My favorite was discovering my husband’s bathroom habits