There is time for everything…Also I believe there is a time to walk away from a relationship…walking away may be hard, heck yeah! it is very hard especially when it is a relationship…
Most times we stay in a relationship that should have been left a long time ago, everybody sees you guys are not working out and if you are to be honest with yourself you also know things are falling apart but you insist on holding on to the relationship based on what it used to be (the good times, the fun, the memorable moments) than what it is now.. we kind of psyche ourselves into believing that if we just work a little bit harder, we could get the relationship back on track and everything will be fine…Please if it is not marriage, you either need a break or you need to move on…
Has he or she changed and does not call as before, does not pick your call with excitement (he picks it like, oh… what does she want?), don’t want to disclose where they are, when you are around, it doesn’t make a difference,doesn’t pay compliments to your looks or new looks, see your missed call and doesn’t call back, you almost don’t have anything to talk about…is it one-sided? My dear it is time to leave…You don’t want to wait till they tell you they don’t need you in their lives, our parents taught us better than that (remember when you go out with your parents and they give you a look without saying anything but you totally get the message). It is not time to start holding steadfast to the memory and praying while crying yourself to sleep
Here are some exceptions, if they are having a hard time at work, financial issue or any issue at the moment and have explained to you why things are not the way they use to be, then you can be understanding and if you also notice them making an effort but if there are a lot of unanswered questions, no explanations, things are deteriorating everyday and every plan to communicate about it is futile, my dear it is time to LEAVE! Most times the other party don’t know how to say its over because they still have a conscience so make it easier for them and either take a break or move on altogether.
When a relationship starts deteriorating, a lot of things are inevitable; it could become abusive, you will forget your self worth because you will think the way you are treated shows how much you are worth and by the time you decide to leave, you would be lucky if your self-esteem is still intact…those good times you thought you could not leave behind, would be forgotten and long gone, both of you will not only be hurt and angry at yourselves, you will also be emotionally exhausted!
Please when you notice things are not the way they use to be and the more you try to patch it up, the more it scatters, TAKE A WALK my darling, you deserve better…
2 comments on “When it is time to walk away”
Hey Obehi, thanks for this. I know I should leave but I find it difficult. What should I do? How can I let go of my feelings?
Hey dear, goodbyes are never easy but a problem known is half solved and so since you know , you should leave this relationship then thats a step in the right direction. About your feelings, I may not be able to give you a solution on how to let go of your feelings but I know time actually heals everything. Your story is quite sketchy but I hope this advice helps. However, if I have more details, I would be able to help better…
Hey Obehi, thanks for this. I know I should leave but I find it difficult. What should I do? How can I let go of my feelings?
Hey dear, goodbyes are never easy but a problem known is half solved and so since you know , you should leave this relationship then thats a step in the right direction. About your feelings, I may not be able to give you a solution on how to let go of your feelings but I know time actually heals everything. Your story is quite sketchy but I hope this advice helps. However, if I have more details, I would be able to help better…