How Much Baggage Is Too Much?

What are those things that you cannot stand in a partner, I mean those things that are deal breakers? I talk to people in relationship a lot and one of the questions I ask whenever they are having a problem is, ”were the signs there?” Most times they say ‘Yes’ and sometimes they say,  ‘just […]

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Show Up!

I would not lie that the numbers had nothing to do with it, I would not lie that the lack of engagement had nothing to do with it too and did you know “what would people say” was also holding me back, let us face it, the social media space has become more unfriendly than […]

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Social media and relationships…

The social media craze is alarming as the world has turned into my grandmother’s hut. Everything that happens is one place goes around the world in the speed of light. The good, bad, the ugly is talked about in different places about people’s lives especially relationships and marriages in Hollywood and more recently Nollywood. We hear […]

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The Scars of your Past

Never let a good scar waste.. I hear people all the time, sit down, discuss their past, mourn it and even cry about it. Some of them ask God why it had to be them, some after years of the hurt, they still share it and you can see the pain in their eyes….We have […]

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