Ranting of a ‘not so super-mum’…

As I sit here typing this, I am arguing with my two year old  on why she should sleep instead of watch television, she is saying some things I don’t understand but in it, there is a “NO!”. There are clothes scattered everywhere and I couldn’t be bothered, to crown it up, Mrpossible is not in town.I […]

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Happy Birthday To Blog Reader !!!

Happy Birthday  to our one and Only Duchess!!!!! Sorry this is coming late. I hope you have a birthday as beautiful as you and may all your dreams come through!!!! Yesterday Duchess shared her rant with us on my latest post, Incase you missed it, click here.     Here was what she said “Yes o […]

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I have got to rant!!!

When John Legend sang, “My head under water, but I am breathing fine”, I thought it would just be a love song for MrPossible and I but right now that can describe what has been happening for three weeks. Thanks to my very reliable virtual assistant, If not, you guys would not be seeing anything on here, […]

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And The Winners Are Here!!!

Hey Lovelies!!!! How are you all doing? Congratulations to the winners of the 12days of giveaway and thanks to those who participated but most especially, thanks to our sponsors. Please if you see your name below, contact me by sending a mail to bride2mum@gmail.com and it should include your name, what you won, your phone number, blackberry […]

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12days of Giveaway Update!

Hey guys!!! How have you been? I hope you have been enjoying the 12days of giveaway and I am so happy to say we have started compiling the list of winners…Yay!!!! If you are like “omg!!! Has 12 days of giveaway started?”, Well, you are  in luck as we still have two more items to give out […]

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Date Night Gone Wrong!

When Mrp and I were dating we kind of toured Lagos in our little way, Mr Possible was like a road map, when we are looking for a place to hangout, his friends would ask him and he seemed to know some latest hang out zone  and we were there to mark register. we could just get up and […]

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