I sit here typing knowing fully well my daughter is safe in her room sleeping and no matter what, I would  try to protect her with all I have and all I am. I have friends who already call me a protective mum as there are some little things I try to protect her from, like pain when she has to do her hair and  when she is sick, I silently wish that the sickness befalls me and through out the period, I am down and helpless.

I remember when I first  heard about our Chibok girls, how my heart bled and I carefully dodged following any news on them as I did not want to hear anything that would hurt me more, but the more I tried to dodge it, the more I thought about it, it was all over the media and everywhere I turned to. I cannot imagine what these mothers are feeling and what our girls are going through…my heart truly bleeds and I beg God that our girls would come back home intact.

As I sat home, looking at my family today, feeling content, it was on the news again and this time, I cannot explain how I felt when Professor Wole Soyinka was interviewed by CNN and asked this question “do you think the girls would come back alive?” and he said “yes I think they would be back but they would not be the same, they may be damaged and need psychological help”(paraphrased)…I was broken thereafter.

Please Nigerians let us pray for our girls; our daughters, our sisters, our friends… Let us pray for our country, this is not the Nigeria I knew growing up, this is not the Nigeria I call home, if it affects one, it affects all, lend your voice today #BRINGBACKOURGIRLS




