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You Are In Charge!

No matter how much I emphasise on feelings, I cannot stop talking about it because your feelings can change the trajectory of your life, Yes it is that deep! There are days that are really not so fabulous and it is like the whole universe is on your case!!!! You want to power through, but […]

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Have you ever gone through a very tough time that you know you need Jesus and  you need him quick? You  know  you need to apply faith but you have no courage to keep faith, because you have used faith so much and it seem it had yielded no result as things still went south… […]

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Your Message is Unique to you.

Sometimes we get apprehensive, overwhelmed, angry because we have passion burning deep within… We know we should start but we are fearful to execute then suddenly you see someone doing what you said you would do. I remember I had this beautiful business plan, I was ready to carry it out, started doing my research […]

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