During the week, I had a conversation with a friend on relationship and then she asked me the million dollar question, “Obehi, how do you know you are in love and this could be the right person?”When you are in love, there is this joy, you cannot express, when you think of the person you […]
This is very important to me as it is what I love doing, I love to advice you and talk to you on any issue concerning your relationship. I would also publish it so people can learn from it and advice you as well as I haven’t got all the answers. if you need to contact me then send a mail to bride2mom@gmail.com or whatsapp +2347063794406
What is the role of a girl/guy in a relationship?
I have come to realise that as you get involved in a relationship, from the moment you say yes I will date you there are some high expectations from you as a boyfriend or as a girlfriend…as for the guy, he is to protect her, take care of her, give as much as he can […]
It is the season of love!!!!
Yay it is the month of love!!!! Yep it is Valentine season (!!!) and I guess everyone is excited especially the ladies and those in relationships but the guys…uhm am not so sure. I am not sure what Valentine’s means to them but I know they are definitely not as giddy as we are and […]
Kanang and Ohioma’s story (Love beyond the boarders)
I am one of those people that love ‘love’, that listens to every word of a romantic song, movie and story and can shed a tear or two…I believe no matter what, Love always finds a way! Here is a pre-wedding story… Her Story… I had really started giving up on love, I thought this […]
When it is time to walk away
There is time for everything…Also I believe there is a time to walk away from a relationship…walking away may be hard, heck yeah! it is very hard especially when it is a relationship… Most times we stay in a relationship that should have been left a long time ago, everybody sees you guys are not […]
What women want and what men think they want( a single girl”s perspective)
Hey guys, I read Emmanuel’s write up about ‘what girls think men want and what men actually want’ and it was sooo hilarious! My ribs were cracking. Well-done Emmanuel. I’m not particularly a witty writer or even a writer for that matter so I’d just go as it hits me. This is all from a […]
What women want…a reply to the men( a single girl’s perspective)
Based on last week post about men, I got some replies and this is one of them… Dear Men, It’s important that you love our best friends. We take that personal! We spend hours getting all dolled up for you, lashes, nails, hair, make up takes hours… a little appreciation never hurt anyone. Most of […]
Its all about you!!!!
Hey Guys!!! How are you doing? Thank you for always reading my blog and commenting, I really appreciate! Guess what??? we are adding another section to this blog that will be just about you…Yes you! It is called ‘My Love Story’. We will be glad to hear the story of you and your fiancé/fiancée […]
PHOTO: Google images Who best to ask what a guy wants than a guy? Here are his thoughts…Guys let us know if you agree and girls let us know what you think. Let’s giggle over some random, light hearted thoughts from an average guy. These are just cute examples I will like to leave you […]
Who best to ask what a guy wants than a guy? Here are his thoughts…Guys let us know if you agree and girls let us know what you think. Hey There! So the holidays are slowly drifting behind us and it’s about time we all made our way back into reality. If there is one […]