
This is very important to me as it is what I love doing, I love to advice you and talk to you on any issue concerning your relationship. I would also publish it so people can learn from it and advice you as well as I haven’t got all the answers. if you need to contact me then send a mail to or whatsapp +2347063794406

When it is time to walk away

There is time for everything…Also I believe there is a time to walk away from a relationship…walking away may be hard, heck yeah! it is very hard especially when it is a relationship… Most times we stay in a relationship that should have been left a long time ago, everybody sees you guys are not […]

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Its all about you!!!!

Hey Guys!!! How are you doing? Thank you for always reading my blog and commenting, I really appreciate!   Guess what??? we are adding another section to this blog that will be just about you…Yes you! It is called ‘My Love Story’. We will be glad to hear the story of you and your fiancé/fiancée […]

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