I got this gist about compound names and I just asked myself, what’s the fuss? I decided to share with you guys.


I think it is a trend lately that when people get married, the girl adds her husbands name to her previous surname. While I don’t personally care about it, like I pretty much never gave it a thought when I got married, there are people out there who are totally against it and will never ever allow their spouse do it. What do you think about your wife adding your name to her surname?

For example – Chika Okoro – okeke

Ladies what is the rationale behind the compound name? Please explain to the men through this medium and what would you do if your hubby insist on you not using your surname or if your wife insists on using her surname along side your name?

As I said, I am indifferent about the compound name thing and I know why some ladies do it but some are oblivious on why they even want to do it, like when I was younger, I wanted to be a journalist and thought my name would be cooler as a compound name when reporting the news.

 For example Obehi Okoro – Chika reporting . Sounds cool right?

Some of us just want to make a case out of it or an argument to prove a point I guess… If it is to prove a point darling, then I shall tell you this, you don’t have to use your previous surname as it doesn’t make you more of your father’s daughter and men, if she uses her previous surname with yours alongside, it doesn’t make you less her husband.

In conclusion guys, It is not suppose to be a big deal but if your hubby  is not comfortable with the compound name, then drop it! Pick your battles wisely… Compound names shouldn’t be one of it.
