I am very sad, I read a news today and it just broke me, how would someone so young , vibrant, healthy die? I know we understand in parts, I know there are a lot of scriptures to back up but i just want someone to understand that this is really really sad and painful…I remember when I lost a friend, Darlo ‘Bryan’ Owobu, I never had the right word to say, when I saw people say rest in peace, It just felt weird to me, is it that easy to say rest in peace, it felt like the world had accepted it and they were moving on…how do I explain that it was not just one of those death, how would I explain that they are saying goodbye to a chunk of my childhood, how do I explain everything Igho was to me, I was not over it when I heard one of my favourite teacher’s in secondary school died, then there was Funmi Awolola and others followed, with each death taking some thing from the time we shared, leaving me with just memories, memories I cannot reach out to them to share, memories we cannot laugh over anymore.

I saw another news of a death, no she was not my friend but she was in my childhood, her sister shares same name as me, she was so vibrant, fun and her personality was contagious, I knew her as my namesake big sister and she was always nice and pleasant to me, I saw her some months back and she had not lost her spark, very vibrant and now she is gone. What????

What can I say to this feelings I have and of course I have a lot of questions.As a child I was taught that when you pray about something, God answers, I remember praying for my friends father to come back,after he had gone and he did not, My course mate had leukaemia and I prayed for her till she died, I remember crying to God to make Igho come back, I remember asking my mum to go to his house to pray, I remember calling his phone and he was not picking, all my feelings have been bottled in for years and today I needed to just share it before I break…
But God you see my heart, I know nothing limits you, you can do anything and we all understand in parts, you were the one who brought Lazarus from his grave…Death is painful but you remain God, may you bring peace to our hearts, may you comfort the family and friends of all those hurting tonight, may you help us hold on to you more, teach us to know that Eternity is where life begins and right now Jesus , I am hurting heal me and teach me. Bride2mum
