I reached out to this stunning bride who use to be my school mate on how she met her hubby and here is her story…
On the 27 of October, 2012, I was amongst the bridesmaids of my beautiful cousin’s wedding Adanna and he was amongst the groomsmen as well. He claims he prayed to God that period to reveal to him who his wife would be, but as for me…I noticed that he was all quiet, reserved and observant and it was his silence and calmness that attracted me. I was like who is this fine mysterious guy looking at people; being all quiet and keeping to himself? That was when I started admiring him; even though I have refused to admit to that fact till date (except now)…lol. The ceremony went on successfully without a word being shared between us. At the end of the reception, as I was leaving, my aunt asked me to go get my bouquet which I left at the table cuz i had no use for it anymore. As I got to the table where we all sat, I saw this same reserved guy all alone and at that point I said to myself “this is the moment, yaaaaaaaay”…lol. We said hello and then I saw what a beautiful smile he had and I admired him even more (still refused to admit to this until now) laughing. Afterwards we exchanged contacts and the rest is history.