Jealousy is the root of hatred…

Jealousy is an emotion that most, if not  all of us go through, Face it, there are some people and things we see and we just get green with envy, wishing it was ours or happening to us, some of us even would cry….inasmuch as we may have alot going our way, we just see someone and think oh  her life must be so perfect, why is this not me… I think it can be seen in kids and adult, we just get a little jealous that ours is not like theirs at the moment and unlike kids who cannot handle that emotion and therefore they act it out or havent you seen a child tearing another child’s art work just because it recieved so much attetion and accolades? As adult we are  better with hiding this feeling or do I say controlling it, sometimes it gets the best of us and we just act it out by being snorty, rude or just totally bitchy…

I remember looking at one of my pretty friends who I thought was a competition to me getting the “guy of my dream” , and told her, ‘]your hair is so rough’, that was the first thing I said when I saw her and I think, even though we were teenagers then, I think it affected our friendship till today…If you are reading this, dont mind me, I was just being childish.

Overtime, we all learn to handle our emotions better and refuse it to get the best of us, My friend told me  that whenever she starts getting the feeling that she wants to start getting jealous of somebody’s achievement or any other thing in someone’s life that isnt happening in hers, she immediately gives the person all the support the person may need,adds them to her prayer list and just genuinely be happy for the person and then the whole jelaous emotion fizzles out… Do you ever get jealous and what do you do?
