Since the school long term holidays, I have gotten more than enough time to spend with my kids, knowing more about them daily, their strength, their weaknesses and oh the fights!!!!! It can actually run you out of your home.
Lady A sleeps every afternoon but her definition for afternoons can start from as early as !2 pm to as late a 4:30 pm, well I set the tone, If only I set a structure, trust me , she would follow suit.
The funny part is this, she must sleep on your back we have to do the backing method, so today while she was on my back, I kept looking for her wrapper as it is only one wrapper i have in this house… Oh! How I remember the days when my mum was saying ‘every mother needs wrapper’ and I would brush it off as old school…as I searched for the wrapper, even though, I held her in with my hand while on my back, the child still clung unto me like her life depended on it…no matter what I wouldn’t have stopped holding her, I knew she couldn’t have clung to me well enough, but she wouldn’t just let go. I finally found the wrapper and we must have both let out a sigh of relief, because as soon as she felt the wrapper behind her, she let go and immediately fell asleep…
You see, she had been up till I found the wrapper, she could not trust what she could not see, she did not trust what was not tested and tried, I knew I won’t allow her the burden to hold on to me herself but she somehow felt that my hold wasn’t going to be good enough… till she saw what she was used to (the wrapper). Isn’t that how we all are? We want to trust God and trust the system, we beckon on him to hold us close and help us through our ups and downs, yet we have a back up plan, we don’t trust he can totally do the job, we want to assist God. We cannot trust because we keep looking for what we are used to…Remember faith is the evidence of things not seen…so why are you trying to fix it while saying you are believing in God, He doesn’t need your help, he want you to trust him and just rest in him… Let go already.

Nice write up. We need to let go, commit everything to God and move on.