I remember my proposal like it was yesterday, how will I ever forget? This is not because of how romantic it was. Lolll! I pretty much waited, day dreamed and even acted saying yes, before I got the ring. In fact that ring was what would finalize everything. I had so cooked myself in a pressured pot that I almost couldn’t wait anymore…hahaha
Let me give you a break down so you can be on my side… Lolll (thank God Mrpossible does not have the time to write his own story… I am a hopeless romantic and imagine you meet this guy that says all the right things, ticks your boxes, it feels too good to be true. Then just when you think he would ask you out, he took his time to “friend” you. Finally, he ask’s you out and guess what my response was? ” Of course! Hope you were not expecting I’ll think about it?” Well it took him close to 1 year of “friending”, so if you were me, wouldn’t you think proposal would be “sharp sharp” (soon) and you could be planning a December wedding.
On February 14th, Mrpossible sent a Valentines gift to me in the UK  while he was in Nigeria. They were all in boxes and super sealed, lol. Knowing I am a curious person, the bobo told me to wait till he gets home from work before I open it… What?!!!!… I begged and he said,”baby just be patient. I want to be there and see your reaction when you open it.” What?!!!! My curious mind started jumping all around.  “My reaction? Could this be a ring?” As if he knew what was happening, he sent a follow up message saying, “babe please wait for me.” May I just inform you that he wanted me to wait for him so when he gets home, he would come on Skype and see my reaction…loll
When I couldn’t take the wait no more, I called my friend, who told me to shake all the boxes and if there is a ring I would know. There were three big gift boxes and I stared shaking oh, hehehe. Still couldn’t tell…after the shake we gave up, with my friend telling me to inform her when I finally open it… I allowed my imagination run wild, before I could lose my head, the skype call came in, with my bobo mi smiling from ear to ear, telling me he’s proud of me for not opening it, then in his calm nature, he said, “so baby would you like to take a guess?”… In my mind, I was like “guess ke? Abeg abeg let’s open this boxes jor!”  then I calmly said, “I am not good at guessing.” lolll! He continued to say I should try, well I guessed everything except a ring sha, a girl has to form jor. While still on it, the boy wanted to go all Doctor Phil on me, he said, “so how did the wait make you feel?” At this point I would have just thrown the boxes out of the window shouting” I nor do again!!!!!” But I was calm and told him, ” let’s open the boxes, you know I am a curious person,” and he said, “open it.” I couldn’t believe my ears! I tried so hard to comport myself from ripping the boxes apart. I even tried to keep a straight face so I don’t look eager but as I unwrapped every box there was this smile on my face and things going through my mind, “will I cry if I see a ring? Do I even want to be proposed via Skype?” after opening all the boxes and showing each gift to him, he bought different things from chocolate to things that would keep me warm in winter and there it was, this shiny little silver box, it had all the names he call me engraved on it and I smiled, I could see him smiling too.



Then, before I opened it, I think I made a speech on how thoughtful and romantic the gifts were and finally I opened the box…… All I could hear him saying was, “do you like it? Do you do you?” I lifted my head and said, “yes booboo,” I love it! It was the cutest silver necklace with a heart shaped pendant… I had a mixed feeling, how thoughtful this boy was, because a lot was put into the thought of the gifts he got, also I felt a bit relieved that it wasn’t an over Skype proposal, then there was the thought of ” ol boy, until we are married let us not put any gift in a box that looks like ring box abeg! I finally told him all the tension I went through and the friends I called and how ” they” felt it was a ring? Hehehe, I did not say I was the one who felt it was a ring o…how desperate I are!
