Being a parent is one of the most beautiful things that also comes with a loads of judgements. It just seem like everyone is judging your every decision and when they are not, we pretty much judge ourselves by others standards.
From the day you give birth to the child, to all the decisions that child pretty much makes, depends on the mother and The mother is judged when compared to everyone else’s standard but hers ‘oh the kids are so skinny, oh you kept your child in a crèche at 8 weeks, oh she still sucks her finger, oh you chose your job over the kid, you feed you kids junk, your kids are not social, your kids cannot greet”, the list is endless. Then you see the mum trying to meet up to all this demands, that is just chaos so I thought I share something with you.
- First of all, let agree to this, we all love our kids and would not necessarily make decisions that would put them in harms way.
- No one can love your baby like you do(most of the times).
- This is a job that we have never done before , so it is okay to learn on the job.
- Give your best, I don’t know what your best is but it is good enough and they would turn out alright.
If you ever see a lady doing the wrong things according to your standard, if you must say anything, apply wisdom but just incase this is hard for you and you feel she isn’t bringing the kids up well as you would have preferred, please take it to the Lord in prayers… He hears faster than a woman whose parenting skills are questioned.