It just occurred to me that there are some crazy things we would normally not do when we are not pregnant but we do them in pregnancy and I am curious to know,What was the craziest thing you did while you were pregnant? I hear some people beg for food, some are very violent, some talk a lot etc but mine was far from this.
I am a boss when it comes to holding my pee which is a bad thing though, so this day, I went to the market, I realized I was pressed but just felt I would make it home on time, as it was not major market, it was just craving market and few things here and there and it will be over, so I went to one woman I know and found out she had moved when I finally made it to where she was, and told her I was looking for her, then she started giving me story of how she moved and what happened and how her neighbours won’t allow her sell some things because they sell it, the more she talked, the more pressed I was, and I couldn’t stop her from sharing her story, I felt for her so I listened some more, only this time, I wasn’t hearing her, the pee was going to have the best of me, I was just saying some “Eiya, nor worry, e go better,” I thought about running into my car and just zoom home without saying anything but the woman would think I am mad, while I was contemplating, I knew there was no choice but to confess, I said” Madam, A–beg I wan piss” do you know this woman just pointed toward an open area, gave me her wrapper and said , “go piss for there, use my wrapper cover yasef” like this was a normal conversation, how do I explain that I have never done this in public, at least not in my old age and you know when you mention that you are pressed then your body quickly gives way like it was just waiting for your verbal confirmation, I quickly muttered ” madam I nor know how to piss and hol wrapper,” she said “er ehn “with a surprise look on her face while I was battling with the shame of what was about to go down and she said “oya I go hol the wrapper for you” and that is how few steps from her store in the market, with someone holding a wrapper and looking away, I did my pee business, you need to feel the rush of relieve, wrapped with shame, embarrassment and a little smile thinking, I cannot wait to share this with Mrp, he would never have imagined.
What is the craziest thing you have done while pregnant?