Before December 2013, all I knew about pregnancy was that you get fat, with a bulging stomach, sometimes swollen legs and then a swollen face/nose. Funny I did not experience any of these. I got married Dec 2013 and though my husband and I had talked about waiting a year before having a baby, no concrete actions were done na just mouthbesides when you talk to a Nigerian doctor about waiting for kids no one wants to really do anything concrete they just advice you to use a condom and who wants to use condoms on their wedding night?

I missed my period in January and was not even feeling like myself. I was slow, laid back, always hungry told my husband I might be pregnant but he doubted, so I got a strip tested and left it for him in the bathroom. He then suggested we do a blood test; I did the following week which confirmed my status. I was told to come register for antenatal in February but I kept postponing till I found myself on the hospital bed in my 10th week that was when I knew pregnancy was beyond a bulging stomach. Something (a human) was implanting itself in me, and would live off me for the next 40 weeks I can’t be the way I was before the pregnancy.

The doctors advised I slowed down and ate well.  I was in-fact, placed on a 2 week compulsory bed rest. I started antenatal by force and by the 37th week when I was sent to the sinologist for a position confirmation, it was seen that my baby was sitting. She had been sitting for a while and wasn’t turning to take the birth position (head first facing the birth canal). We couldn’t tell the sex at all and she was balanced feet crossed in my stomach like a boss. The doctors then said I needed to come in the following week for a c-section as the chances of her turning again were slim. .. Like most Nigerians, I helped God to forbid this doctors report and started praying for my baby to turn before the 38th week but for where? I then decided to read up for myself and found out that babies still turn at the last week but I also found out that a Caesarean section wasn’t of the devil after all; it was even a solution to a problem and since when does the devil provide solutions? I had an open mind but still waited till my 40th week, after-all it wasn’t about whether I gave birth naturally or Caesarean. The important thing was that I would be delivered safely and all the glory would go to God.

I went back for a confirmatory scan on my last week and it was the same thing by this time I was soo tired and worn out. I just wanted the baby to come out of me I couldn’t sit stand or sleep.  It felt like I was pressured and oh yes I was always pressed I could not even move. I went to the hospital and was booked for a Caesarean the following morning. I was rolled in at about 10am and was really confident but on entering the theater, it was so cold! Then I saw all the knifes and thought I was going to faint. The anesthesiologist calmed me down saying my waist down would go numb for 3 hours I won’t feel any pains and subsequently I would be given pain relievers and eventually, I would heal in about a week. she then prepped me and kept talking to me to make sure I don’t sleep off.

The procedure started at about 11am and by 11:27am. I heard a loud cry and was told that was my baby. They brought her to me and damn she was pretty just staring at me like why did you let them bring me out of my comfort zone.

Pregnancy wasn’t the easiest of periods but it was easier being pregnant. I can remember saying this baby should just come and let me rest. I wish I could take that back, babies are a handful but are definitely the biggest miracles. I look at my baby today and say wow! you were just a foetus…
