We had always wanted to start having our kids from  six months after the wedding, I never thought five months could feel like forever! Even though we had a plan I subconsciously looked forward to missing my period from the very first month after the wedding, until the 4th month when I broke down in tears when I saw those red villains again…lool

In the 5th month I planned on taking my thoughts off the pregnancy so I wont lose my mind, though we were still praying along with our parents and friends who were secretly worried…at just the 5th month! My hubby was really a pillar and an encourager; he kept speaking God’s promises about child-bearing and told me I cannot be barren when my mom and his mom were not barren! In fact he always said I was already pregnant and needed to believe it.


During this period I really understood God to be all-knowing and faithful! And He wanted us to know he was involved. In the previous month, a friend advised I go for a scan just to see if my womb and eggs were all fine so we would know what we were dealing with, so I went and the scan was perfect that the doctor said one of my eggs was ripe and ready!…loll, so i should go and mate with my hubby that day and the next few day. It seemed all mapped out right? I thought so too, but God was watching and was not going to share His Glory with any man! Despite all, there still was no pregnancy.


The next month when I was already letting go, things turned around, I was waiting for d “red villains” but there seemed to be a delay though I was feeling all the premenstrual symptoms, well, I did not suspect a baby until the 3rd day I just jokingly bought a test strip while buying my sanitary towel. When I got home I started the test and while at it, my mom called to report my baby sister. As I was listening to her, I was looking at the strip (that has always shown negative to me) and I saw the 2 lines- I was SHOCKED! and interrupted my mum with the news but since she’s old school, she didn’t trust the result until a confirmation with a blood test. So with the excitement already built up, I rushed off for a blood test and it was confirmed Positive! Of course I called my hubby and shared the joy, he was thrilled and all ‘Prophet like’…”i told you, you were pregnant…bla bla” lool.




I was truly blessed with a good pregnancy that my neighbours and friends kept telling me I was strong unlike theirs; I worked, moved and drove till the 9th month. In the first trimester; no vomiting and severe sickness, but just a bit of nausea and spitting with the huge boobs and raging hormones. My poor hubby had the brunt of it all! There were days I could not stand him,I could shoot him like when he stole my five-alive juice I had been craving and he was so unapologetic..lool. My hormones really had the best of me! I cried helplessly like who got her heart broken just over petty things; another instance was when my hubby did not buy my cake, as he entered the house empty-handed I just broke down in tears, not knowing the naughty man hid it outside to tease me. He was really shocked and confused at the tears,  then one day, while in church, as the Pastor was preaching I just started crying for no reason like who has been carrying some emotional pain. I tried to console myself before the next person close by would start wondering, meanwhile my ‘charming hubby’ ignored me and later said he thought I was broken by the message…lool.

I would have loved to share my delivery story but I am still waiting for my charming champ to show up! Hopefully in the next few weeks☺

Feel free to read through other stories on our Pregnancy Diaries column and don’t forget to share yours…bride2mom@gmail.com
