Yesterday was so much fun! A friend I haven’t seen in 15years came over and we had an amazing time catching up(hugs Ijay). After I had asked her all the normal questions, We dived into relationship gist, everyone that knows me, knows I must talk about relationship when we catch up, and gist led to gist next thing, we were talking about informing your ex that you are getting married and we agreed that it is okay to tell your ex you are getting married especially when this person was not a bad partner, they were a part of you for some time and before they became your partner, they were your friend right? So you should tell them out of regards or due diligence? Shey? Well let me just put my little piece here, it is not all exes you should inform you are getting married, some are no longer your friends, some were not civil to you, don’t go and track anybody down, chasing to find their numbers because you want to inform them…Before you inform an ex always ask yourself, what is the motive? If it is negative then my friend go and marry jor
When Mrpossible came home, I gave him the gist and even though he agreed you CAN tell your Ex, he had a different twist to it that got me thinking and I decided to ask you what you think? Would you inform your ex you are getting married, is it a sign of respect, is it necessary or you should just let the past be the past? Have you ever done it and how did they react?
If your ex informs you, would you appreciate it?