
Get Your Hands Dirty Child!


Get your hands dirty! Last night my baby J told me she wanted a sandwich for breakfast today, so l got up, made her a very juicy sandwich, just the way she likes it. You know the type that when you take a bite, you forget your manners and lick all five fingers😏.  As soon […]

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Parenting And Judgement.

Being a parent is one of the most beautiful things that also comes with a loads of judgements. It just seem like everyone is judging your every decision and when they are not, we pretty much judge ourselves by others standards. From the day you give birth to the child, to all the decisions that […]

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Ranting of a ‘not so super-mum’…

As I sit here typing this, I am arguing with my two year old  on why she should sleep instead of watch television, she is saying some things I don’t understand but in it, there is a “NO!”. There are clothes scattered everywhere and I couldn’t be bothered, to crown it up, Mrpossible is not in town.I […]

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Train Up A Child…

This picture was originally put up on Linda Ikeji’s blog, I tried to look the other way but I just couldn’t.  hate to Judge but this is too much na, these are very suggestive photos that paedophiles can prey on and use to their advantage. This kid is not grown up yet but she has perfected the sexy […]

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Why can’t we be friends?

Recently, I have been sleeping late hours because LadyA and BabyJ has not been feeling good, from cough and catarrh to fever, It seem like every child I know has cough and catarrh probably due to change of weather right? BabyJ brought it from school and since her sister’s cuteness is too much for her to handle, she just […]

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You have just been mothered!!!!

It is a great change when you just give birth to kids because all of a sudden you realize that there are loads of decisions you would be making daily, that you never thought you would, decisions like should they wear Pampers or Huggies? Should they be breastfed or formula fed? Should they eat canned fruits […]

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To discipline or not?

My people, that is how I went to the hospital this week with babyJ  and you know how kids don’t walk, they run and jump wherever they are going to… This hospital has glasses everywhere, I could see potential danger as babyJ jumped from one place to the other, smiling and waving to strangers like […]

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