
She Asked… Kiss and Tell.

This was another question from the ‘Just ask’ series, What is your advice? I have a friend that slept with her colleague at work thinking they were actually in love but right now he has told other guys in the office please what can she do to avoid the shame? The deed has already been […]

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Dear God…

Recently I have had so many ‘Dear God’ moments, Sometimes, I know exactly what to say, sometimes I just keep quiet  and let him see my heart, some other times,I am impatient, just saying a lot of things at once that are not coherent…God understands. Today I know what to say to Him so here it […]

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To discipline or not?

My people, that is how I went to the hospital this week with babyJ  and you know how kids don’t walk, they run and jump wherever they are going to… This hospital has glasses everywhere, I could see potential danger as babyJ jumped from one place to the other, smiling and waving to strangers like […]

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