I sincerely don’t know why in a committed relationship or marriage, you cannot go through your spouse phone, I mean, why would I pick up my boo’s phone and he would almost have a heart attack or we would have the biggest quarrel of our lifetime? It is when you are hiding something that your […]
Relationship Tips: How Do You Resolve Conflict With Your Partner?
When dating we check a lot of things to make sure our partner is our ‘perfect fit’ but something that is important but we pay little or no attention to is how we resolve conflicts. To me, that sets a major tone for your relationship, how does he react when he is wrong,does he accept […]
She Asked… Kiss and Tell.
This was another question from the ‘Just ask’ series, What is your advice? I have a friend that slept with her colleague at work thinking they were actually in love but right now he has told other guys in the office please what can she do to avoid the shame? The deed has already been […]
A Partner…A Part or the Whole?
This may be shocking to a lot of us but do you know your partner is a part of your life not the whole of your life? Who are you outside your spouse, your relationship…Are you living your dreams, are you happy, are you fulfilled? Most of us once we get into a relationship or […]
The Proposal: I Thought He Couldn’t Surprise Me…
I have been dating this amazing guy since 2010…yeah, that long. We were both undergrads in medical school then. He was 2 years ahead of me in school. Anyway, fast forward 5 years. I tease him of how he can never surprise me with a proposal cos I know him too much.So we made out […]
Dear God…
Recently I have had so many ‘Dear God’ moments, Sometimes, I know exactly what to say, sometimes I just keep quiet and let him see my heart, some other times,I am impatient, just saying a lot of things at once that are not coherent…God understands. Today I know what to say to Him so here it […]
Sexy or Extra Comfortable? Choose This Day…
I feel everyday when a lady tries to dress up she unknowingly makes a choice, either to be sexy or extra comfortable and most times our comfort don’t really look gorgeous. Don’t you just hate it that the men don’t have to do as much work as we all have to do… We wear the […]
Before You Walk Out, Say What You Need To Say…
Seriously I have been meaning to address this on my blog but always forget…Er ehn, what is this about guys leaving their girlfriends without explanation? I can count five different people that their very great boyfriend has left without any explanation whatsoever? First of all there wasn’t a fight, things were going well and fine […]
Patter of tiny feet…She is here!
On the 12th of May, God blessed us with our beautiful daughter, Yes oh the second girl! Her name is Adesuwa, Adelle, Ehiremen, Ehiomo… I can go on but let me stop here. For the blog we would call her BabyA or Sisi Ferari, when we met finally, she was the fairest I have ever seen and […]
To discipline or not?
My people, that is how I went to the hospital this week with babyJ and you know how kids don’t walk, they run and jump wherever they are going to… This hospital has glasses everywhere, I could see potential danger as babyJ jumped from one place to the other, smiling and waving to strangers like […]