Shhh…I am pregnant but please don’t tell anyone? You know people now” This was how a friend told me she was pregnant .

It’s so beautiful when you get pregnant, checking that test kit and knowing it is positive can be exciting, immediately you share with your spouse, friends and family and then you get the pregnancy rule sometimes said or unsaid. You are asked not to tell anyone you are pregnant…  some people just advice themselves as they are very private, and some not so private…
This rule is unspoken yet it echoes in the mind and when spoken it is resounded over and over again because of fear that something might happen to the bundle of joy yet unborn. All of a sudden, your friend’s display picture cannot change, she would hardly even insinuate it, you keep seeing old pictures then before you know, a baby appears on the screen, then the pregnancy pictures starts surfacing and you finally understand all those facial shots she has been displaying.
I am not so much of a private person, though I have a limit on how much should be made known. When I got pregnant with the first baby, I was advised by older folks not to tell anyone, that we should just keep it private,the advice made me just shut up, or have you not heard the saying that “what older people sees sitting down , a child would climb the tallest tree and not see it?” I respected myself o, and kept quiet, my friend on the other hand, could not wait to put up her picture and when she did put up a picture showing her pregnancy “bump” though I totally thought she was pushing that bump out, she got counsel from the elderly and concerned friends and took a chill mehn! though she still put it up once in a while, when it even came to the sex of her baby, she was advised not to tell people so they will not change the sex….hahahaha ( I know it was coming from a place of concern sha.)
My question is when is it appropriate to tell people you are pregnant, what happens if people know you are pregnant? Above all, why don’t celebrities hide their baby bump, their due date, the sex of the baby and still give birth to a very healthy baby? Like the duchess of Cambridge, we all knew when she got into the hospital and when she came out…Is it just a myth or does it cut across other cultures too? What advice did you get when you were pregnant? Did you share or did you keep it to yourself? Would you share when you are pregnant?