Today I was supposed to publish a post on SEX today but I want to give you guys a good read and therefore don’t want to rush it so that by the time I put up the article am working on, I must have touched most of the areas that are very relevant to us….

I have forgotten where I saw this but it goes thus “if you know how many of your boyfriend’s friends and family members knew you were not the only girl but yet called you in law….” A candid advice to every lady here please whenever anyone calls you ‘Our wife’ or ‘in law’ and you are not yet married to the guy,please politely say “No dear I am not your wife or in law yet” because sometimes these people know what you don’t know and they are the first to tell a story of how you answered in pride when they called you in law…Before I am misquoted please if it is your boyfriend’s dad or mum calling you in-law, just smile because it will be down right rude

Another saying I have read somewhere is this “In those days when a guy introduce you to his family, then you can be certain you guys are going to get married but nowadays he may not stop at the family, you will even meet his ancestors and there is no guarantee you will get married” Please please and please again ladies, if you meet his family, it is no guarantee that you are the wife, you may not be the first or last girl to be introduced so don’t start making his mum your best friend, calling her everyday to gossip her son or to check on her and adding all his sisters on your blackberry therefore making the break-up process long and awkward incase he doesn’t work out.
I am not saying there are no exceptions to this but just know it is better to be safe than sorry… I remember while dating my husband, his cousin would call me ‘our wife’ and I will jokingly tell her ‘ I am not your wife o’ with a big smile…

The truth is there is plenty of time to be best friends with your mother and father in law, his sisters and brothers in marriage I mean, I am not saying you should distant yourself especially if the guy wants you to be close to them but just don’t push yourself all over the place especially while dating. you are not his wife till he marries you… this just reminded to add that if your boyfriend calls you my wife and you don’t like it, I beg stop him, ( guys we appreciate you want to make us feel secure but we don’t really like it, at least some of us) this is even more annoying when you have been dating for five years and there is no ring…For those of us that like it though, please Mr boyfriend if you want to call us your wife,show some more level of commitment.
Ladies also stop calling a guy husband when he isn’t yet your husband, It definitely scares him but the reason why I will not stress on this issue is because I want to believe there are very few girls that do so….

Let me not just make conclusions here, so guys why do you call us wife/ wifey when we are not yet married and girls do you like to be called wife without any commitment?
