I usually pride myself in being a good judge of character and ask my friends they will say the same thing, it is like a gift, I can literally give a detail about your personality just after a conversation( I wonder how I could not use this to help myself in failed relationships). This time was different though, after doing all my checks and balances on a person I met and made my conclusions,I found out I was wrong,(madam know it all) though she had her weaknesses which I had noticed, her good side was amazing and as I got to know the person, I liked her more and found myself even trying to stop liking her…Funny how we think we know people from one conversation or how it is easy to judge people without even just getting to know them, we meet them and maybe the first day we don’t click and next thing we build our walls, draw up conclusions not knowing who they are and give them no room to get to know us at all…I am not saying everyone should be your best friend just because you are trying to make this world a better place but let us come down from our high horses and don’t judge people or act we are perfect, who knows, they may not be able to stand you too as you are not perfect(Inshort your personality may stink).

Everyone has a story so let us be careful how we judge them, she may be very arrogant because of what has happened to her in her past, he may seem to self absorbed because he had no one look after him growing up, she may be always sad because she was raped by her dad and lost her childhood so before we sit down to be a judge, let us try walk a mile in her shoes.

Also just a tip, if you are having a bad day and think you have the right to carry it out on people you meet on your way…the terrible driver that won’t just stop speeding, the slow coffee seller, the annoying secretary , the little child that seem to be in your face….Wait till you hear their story, every face has a story and they may be going through something worse than you are.
