Who are you really?

I have met various people as I guess we all have and there are some people that the more you look at them, the less you see. While I will not totally focus on that today, I can say that we all pass through phases of discovery where we battle with who we really are and how we are supposed to behave to be acceptable.

Unfortunately some of us are still stuck there so I am gonna ask you some questions:


  • Who are you?
  • Are you someone that has no mind of your own, you sway to whatever beat the drum plays?
  • Do you walk into a room and feel compelled to act in a different way to make yourself acceptable?
  • Do you have different dramatic scenes in your head and whenever the occasion presents itself you act a scene?
  • Has your accent changed because all your friends are overseas?
  • Are you being real to yourself?
  • Do you agree to everything said by a friend because you can’t lose the friendship?
  • Do you do all your friends bidding because you cannot say no and risk losing the treasured friendship?
  • Do you talk other people down to make yourself feel better?
  • Do you buy expensive things, drown in debts so you can fit in?
  • Do you take other people telling you trash?
  • Do you feel like you would lose out if you start being yourself?

They say the worse deceit is self deceit. We were all made unique. Your uniqueness distinguishes you and makes you shine! Stop living in anyone’s shadow or acting out of place just to fit in. You are enough for you. Get to know yourself, discover the YOU and you would be amazed how much you have locked in not being yourself.

Anywhere you go, please be you because, You Are Enough!

