Recently something happened to me, it was between a friend and I and when it happened, it left me feeling so hurt, incapable, sad, defeated, helpless and other feelings I haven’t found the right words to express and immediately afterwards I felt  I needed to share it with someone before it eats me alive, I had to mentally scan who I could tell, then I told hubby, he advised but I still did not feel great, I told a friend, it was advice with plenty ‘eiya’, ‘sorry ehn’, I told the second one and in between her advice and consolation, she slept off, I was left with the raw feelings of emotions, whom to share with and how do I get better.
God has been teaching me lately to talk to him first but inasmuch as I want to say ” so I talked to God…” it is always easier to  talk to a friend. We sing  this song all the time” What a friend we have in Jesus…oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer” and yet the first person we talk to whenever we are broken, hurt or when we need help is our friends… I sincerely have amazing friends that would be there for you and though they did their best, it was not good enough because i still needed to talk to God and he is the only person that can totally sort you out. How I wish we talk to God First whenever we find ourselves in a situation, how I wish we ca;l on God as fast as we pick up the phone to call a friend; He can even direct you to whom to speak with, if we have to speak to somebody, He would give us peace and we would feel better in the end…
Are you like me who would run first to friends and family, I think we should give God a chance first… I know it is not the easiest thing to do but it is something we can all grow into.
 Who would you rather turn to?